the way it is

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TW! Idk if this counts but derealization

Y/n sat their most boxes packed along with furniture not being in the small home.

The living room looked less living it's white walls nothing to complement it's plain color, boxes left and right it was sad reminding them of how the it looked moving in. Sitting their looking around distantly they hated this feeling they knew it too well.

The huge argument they had with their roommate being their freind years ago.

It was stupid now because of how much the worried for them but it also got to much and then the only thing left was to move out, but the more the thought was brought the fuzzier it was.

Y/n sat their upset they crossed so many lines and they just kept nagging at them not understanding what was wrong.

They tried everything but tonight was different they had argued this time y/n sat in their bed their was only one person to come to they would understand, getting up the room was messy a dumpster maybe this was why their friend worried but whatever they would clean later they weren't going to forget walking through all the mess ya maybe it may have taken a  horrible time since the hallucinations have gotten this bad.

And with their mental state being terrible seeing figures around them feeling watched it was bad enough but everything sucked.

Sleep less nights and if they got any sleep they would maybe wake up almost in tears. After awhile they started getting worse it's better to leave that topic on its own.

Y/n hears a knock on the door must be one of their friends getting up from the spot.

But that wasn't possible they were stuck their like something pulling them down, they new what was going on a hatefully sat their they could move they felt a sense of dread their surround didn't feel real. They were able to feel themselves get up but their was no control over themselves.

Like someone else was controlling them.

As the head to the gray door a window next to it with curtains so no one could look in a form of small privacy at least.  As they now opened the door their stood a man with no face the were tall,lanky, and freakishly skinny.

Though the more they looked at this person the more it felt so unreal until something grabbed the hand that was reaching to the face.

Someone held it "y/n hey hey Y/N" the male shouted it was Tay their freind y/n felt their surroundings along with looking around taking it in. god they felt bad stepping aside to let the male come in he was pretty chill tall, skinny, quiet, black hair with brown eyes a gray button up with a blue jacket "sorry about that" y/n mumbled a bit embarrassed.

"Nah your fine just seemed like you weren't all their it took you three minutes to open the door" he responded warmly Tay was quiet when you first met but he opened up when he met you.

He wasn't loud like most of your other friends he was more calming  and understanding when it came to what just happened you were really surprised your still freinds you are going to miss talking to him, he sat down in the floor since their was no other place to sit.

" How's the moving going last time i was here most half of your house was just boxes" he stated he was correct the living room was filled mostly with boxes, now most of those were gone all that's left were a bunch of small ones that were stacked on one another.

That were just here and their " yup i should be out of here after the end of this month if i remember Tay" answering you could tell he was upset now sad you were moving but a lot of good things come to it's end.

As much as you enjoyed being here but not really you were ready to go home. Soon you had a freind waiting for you to come back home you did really miss them you couldn't wait to at least be slightly reassured after everything. "What's the plan after you finally get back home" the male said honestly you don't really know you plan on seeing what ever happens "i don't know right now".

He nodded as a response he was now up from where he was sitting, as he looked at the time "well you take care of yourself I'll see you later" as he said walking over you hugging you it was a small but gentle hug as he let go he had work to attend to.

"You too bye" they said looking at the door closed and the only thing that really just echoed through the house.

It was cold and lonely again a sad feeling you felt bad really but their wasn't anything to fix that. Walking into the kitchen it was empty with a few plates and food it looked dull in all honesty Upsetting but whatever.

Opening the door to the fridge seeing what you could eat but it was almost empty and nothing was really in their seemed suitable to eat.

You decided that maybe just to get something to eat.

As you left the empty kitchen you walked to the small bathroom to at least put you hair in a bun or whatever you decided on. You were decided on what to eat, honestly anything was fine as long as you just got some food maybe fried and a hamburger.

You checked if you had everything your phone,keys, wallet, and anything you put in your pockets.

Stepping out of the house the nice breeze of the cold air after it's stopped raining maybe it wasn't going to bad.

Y/n walked away from their door maybe they'd get some fresh air while they get food it couldn't be bad.

It wasn't going to be to bad enough right.

I am so sorry for this being long chapter this feels like i just venting through out this whole thing and i think it's noticable maybe or maybe not i hope so.

And if anyone is feeling horrible i hope that your day or week or month. Along with drink,sleep,and shower you are important even if i might not now you i hope you feel better.

Have a goodnight or day see you next time.

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