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Radiation_day: takes you everywhere with him for some reason

Unpredictable_day: he was confused so he went to go ask albert let's say it was difficult.

Unstable_day: honestly he didn't even know what to do

Dreadful_day: to him it was a dreading  day

Benevolent_day: loved that he had a taste tester for pastries

Great_day:he was confused on what to do most of the time

Macabre_day: He put you in one of those playpens parents use

Emotionless_day: tried his best to understand what you needed

Practical_day: he took you to where ever to get up to pass out for a nap.

Placid_day: convince to them you were a pretty tired kid once it was his turn.

Sorrowful_day: he felt sorrow when you got hurt.

Dynamic_day:tried to not complain of taking care of you

Scary_day: you were always in the corner because he scared you


Y/n: so many operatives

Albert: we know he didn't like children so he tried his best to keep you somewhat safe

Adam: he was Albert's back up plan so he could nap

Jake: was pretty confused on how to parent

Kaden: he lost you 24/7

Temprist:he lost you once or twice

Hey it's been awhile since we had talked but hope my fellow day's union enjoyers love this bye now have a nice day.

Lovely gentleman,lady's, non binary, gender fluid, and in between. 🤗

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