beauty scars

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Heh ya just a short one do don't expect much really since i was a clumsy kid i thought why not make something like this as a shirt story.

As some scars may look ugly but sometimes it's story is worse sometimes but in the end it happens.

Y/n sat their on their hospital bed looking at some of the visible scars tho their vision wasn't the greatest.

It was semi blurry they might need glasses but they weren't for sure being told he could recover or not, sitting their noticing their now scares to be honest not a way they thought they'd ever see that night but here we are now.

Although some nurses and doctors looked familiar but they didn't care.

Y/n didn't want to be here they hated that they were now covered in scars but as they were about to just lay back down a familiar voice was heard, their very close friend that was visiting she felt bad that their friend visited them almost every day instead of enjoying their vacation.

Apologizing for then just coming here to talk.

But the person was quite glad to now their alive so that was nice just talking about anything random.

"How's your cuts? Do they still hurt or just sting?" They asked

"Well some hurt more than others and yes they do sting" answering

They would ask if they were ok needed anything before they left, being thoughtful of them before they left and came back later before visiting hours ended.

"That's good do you remember the cut marks tho right" almost in a whisperer.

"Yes retell me that story again my brain is shit right now" it was true trying to think of something always brought them back to now.

" Wich one though theirs three the one on the stove, the bike, or nevermind that's it if i recall" only remembering those two.

" The bike one please i find that one hilarious" only because of how much their uncle was visiting at the time freaking out.

Hours later (I'll let you think of how they hurt themselves on that one).

They're guest left they would be back later to chat and have a light snack before dinner with them, or well sharing a plate not even being asked out to a date first how rude of them. They would have something healthy and share the candy that the other had lovely evening spent honestly.

Everything was an honest blur here they were sitting in this same persons car.

"Were to now anything in mind" being asked.

" Just take me to your hotel room please i don't want to be asked questions by my family" answering then almost tired.

" Alright you want anything to eat i owe you from last time" asked of them.

Ofc they're wanting to get them to eat something.

I now this isn't close to the title but i thought why not have just something centered on y/n after last time we were left in that chapter with the hospital with some context.

I hope this isn't romanticizing anything if it is please tell me.

Ill see you next time make sure you have a good night or day.

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