belovents day off

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possible T.W. mentions of human meat non too descriptive, and slight cannibalism.
+----+-----+-----+-----+------+-----+------+----+----+Benevolent always kept himself busy with something even when on a day off he didn't open his bakery today but he also sat their in confusion some other members had a day off but it was him and 2 others who had kept them selves to a nap.

Standing from were he sat he'd bake something, he walked to the kitchen that was connected to the living room he heard the buzzing of the fridge the footsteps of civilization outside.

The small droplets on the sink and lastly his breathing.

He started to think of what to bake when he suddenly heard a knock he remembers now he was supposed to have a visitor. Maybe he could clear his thoughts for a bit while he chatted with someone.

Walking over to the door, he heard shuffling of someone else.

"Ah [IDENTITY] y/n" he greeted as he saw them opening the door

"Hey" the male greeted in a hushed tone

"Where are my manners come in of course" he moved aside for his guest.

The operative looked at him from the side a bit nervous, benevolent had only recently befriended the male he would invite him over for some food or patiees he'd make, or well for a couple of other things.

He helped them over to the couch telling them he'd be over in a bit he just needed to put something away.

"So much for a snack" as he put away the fresh meat he always had eaten variety, it extended to pork, lamb, human, and more he would never hurt any of his close freinds of course but he would if he had too. Although he did so etimes think about but would never act on it.

After getting himself a bottle of water he renters the living room with the other He sat across from them "what brings you here on this afternoon"

"Nothing much we thought to say hi before i get some errands done"

"Oh um here i now you like small cute things" y/n said showing him a small little flower bouquet

Taking it from his hands he looked at it he smiled thanking the nervous man.

"Oh ya i remember i was wondering if you'd like to join me I'm slightly scared and don't want to go alone?"

" Hmm, i'll think about it"

The conversation was short but at last nice.

Time skip later
After he gave his guest a small fair well he looked at his palm y/n gave him small hand made bouquet. He found it adorable.

He stood their for a bit until he walked over to the kitchen it was 5:30 he decided it was time to at least make something to eat. He sighed at his less eventful day and started to heat up the pan it was something small so he could get ready for tonight he had a shoot at 10pm he wanted dinner out of the way.

Taking out the ecentials like some vegetables seasoning and a arm he was going to enjoy tonights dinner.
Original word count: 133
Originally posted: Oct 6, 2020
Edited: Dec 30rd 2022
Word count:552

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