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Something just random for now i have nothing adding a little more on to the first one

Radiant: he seemed to love animals and had carried a little bear plushie or a koala.

Unstable: to be honest i am not surprised if the mf ate glue as a snack cause he got hungry.

Scary:would love bugs for sure and would pick them up either way if they bite.

Macabre:he would probably take kids lunch if they had gummies and it would be just gummies.(idk i feel like he'd take the gummies)

Benevolent:he was a tame kid he wasn't much of a speaker and he seemed to be just a bit tired.

Unpredictable: he would just sit at a table or at the top of the jungle gym and just chill their or whatever he would do.

Emotionless: if you could say he had a high pain tolerance because of how he didn't cry either way he didn't show clear emotions he had a blank face.

Dynamic: he loved the swings he would be on em all the time but who wouldn't blame him the aren't as dangerous you could say.

Placid:he always had candy this could explain the candy wrappers found on most of the kids or on the ground.

Practical:he loved bugs even the ones that would be like spiders he always had some sand but not all the time.

Scary: besides some kids finding him scary He actually takes a lot of naps in the most random places.

Sorrowful: he liked flowers he liked em very much and would also draw whenever he had the chance.

Y/n: kinda just hung out with who ever but they seemed to be quiet/loud and do anything to look time.(idk man what to do for this one)

Albert:he was known to cause chaos but he got along with most of the others but he would mostly hang out with three other boys.

Jake: hung out with Albert he would cause chaos but it was a lot more calmer than Albert and would participate in most of what Albert caused.

Adam: he didn't really participate in whatever the others were doing but he did seem to get along with them.

Kaden: would Help plan out most of the chaos before going ahead with it just to be safe.


Random: the teacher of this class and is chaotic behavior but doesn't mind as long as everyone's ok and not getting in any trouble.

Honestly i don't really have much i am really tired tho so i am going to go I'll see you all next time.

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