coffe and basteries

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Unstable_Day: He had you order since the casheer was spooked last time he tried to order.

Radiant_Day: Man noticed on how you looked down so he took you to a cafe and basteries

Unpredictable_day:took you awhile to convince him to go let's say it was alittle pleasent to be out for coffe

Great_day:you brought some so he didn't lose concentrated on work

Emoitnless_day:would end up sharing with you because he noticed how you looked at them

Benevelent_day:both of you argued about who's tasted better

Dreadful_day: loved to see you happy and amazed with whatever you got

Scary_day: took you to a cafe so you can forgive him after he scared the living shit out of you for the 10th time

Placid_day:he forced you to atleast have something wich you decided on baked goods with some coffe

Pratical_day:invited him cause he was the first person you noticed when you were about to go on your own

Sorrowful_day:invited you so you guys can catch up and chat

Macabre_day: you didn't know how he ended up coming with you as he kept saying no to you

Daynamic_day: he was at your place when you decided to ask him if he wanted anything


Albert:you both went to what ever was near to hangout and have sweet delites

Adam:were talking about anything random while having boba tea and cookies

Jake:a way to get both of you out of your houses

Kaden:had boaba tea while you ate basterie's

this is all i could think of for know be see ya next time

buh bye

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