it's over now

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T.w. implied character death idk angst

Their sat a grave alone with some of it's guests but leaving the clouded sky's the smell of rain before it rain the wind tickling against skin.

Their figure sat on the grave ignoring everyone else trying to process what just happened.

Standing up walking through the small crowds while they cry not paying any attention as they walk away for an exit, away from them this mess and anything in general their very pale skin (like paper white since y/n is the readers) their hair a mess or not (short, long, or anything) cuts, bruises, and scratches.

They were visiting a little bakery as their last stop just before leaving.

To feel just at ease smelling the goodies to feel whole again nothing wrong with that, just doing something to get to someone unreachable though that was already late.

With keeping them selfs occupied Leave the past on the past.

Going through the door it was lively like usual with a man working at the counter maybe to get orders, before even speaking the door opened revealing a brunette to go through as over to the counter to order as they now walked passed the figure.

What a mood killer honestly who goes through someone though they can't really say much.

As really no one new they were their So why stand their for no reason.

Who's attention where they needing to get this time anyone for sure to see if someone still remembered them.

They're see through body the way their expression was seen or their whole presence but maybe everyone forgot. A bitter way to go in all honesty, how it basically was just an excuse to come here before leaving.

Or maybe they were just dust who were they kidding this wasn't were they died they new it but they new apart of them needed to see the small bakery.

To smell the goodies they were just a person in the dust.

But this felt to real surreal wait that noise.





"What a weird dream being honest here that felt to much like e fever dream"


Angst on a Wednesday yes idk is this even considered sad.

Fun fact this was going to be the last chapter but i said guck it Soo your welcome for now.
Anyways see you next time bye

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