what would happen if unstable had a dog

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(So what would happen if unstable had a dog well now here we go.)
Unstable had found a stray dog on the street's he took it with him to his house saying to the dog"NOW NOW DOG FOLLOW RULES" he had put the dog on the floor. Unstable being him just left the dog there leaving the other day's union to take care of the doggy.

°I feel like he would also name him sparky.

°When ever Albert came around the dog loved Albert that they gave him the dog.

°would at first get dog food that was for puppies.

°unstable would feed him wasn't dog food sometimes it was people food.

°Hugs he wasn't allowed they were thinking he would hug the dog tightly.

° would buy dog clothing and .oat would be blue.

°his dog had heterochromia a blue and white eye.

°he got a husky mix breed(can't think of another breed)

Edited: hehe ya i decided to edit this one because i didn't like it at all.

I might get add the  dates later on i didn't do it for this one.

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