who scared of thunder storms

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Unstable:he calls this a surprise attack

Radiant: flinches when it happens

Macabre: sometimes thinks people are starting a war

Unpredictable:about to hear explosions reaction

Benevolent:would enjoy some good tea while catching up on work but get about surprised.

Dreadful: doesn't mind it much really.

Placid: doesn't really now what they are.

Practical: thunder isn't scary

Scary:uses this to his advantage to scare people.

Sorrowful: Just doing his daily patrolling of the city

Dynamic: also patrolling and minding his own business while kind of looking around.

Sympathetic: just paying his respect to those whom past now and giving flowers to those who pass

Emotionless: patrolling while noticing most of the civilians pass by.

Powerful: just watching sympathetic paying his respects from a distance.

Realistic: kind of just chilling and looking at others pass by with not much to do

Fatal: also paying his respect to others and looking at their date of death.

Incarnate: doesn't really understand why they're here but just letting them do their own thing tho.

Great: just doing his work but looks up when it comes to thunder storms.


Albert: just chilling with friends even with selozar and alone traveler if their staying for awhile.

Alone traveler: doesn't really care much but does whatever he wants.

Selozar: just spending his time in his room until alone calls him to do something.

Adam: just chilling with his pets and hanging out with albert and jake.

Jake: just on a call with Albert and adam since their isn't much to do.

Temprist: wait who?

Random: drinks some tea while planning on what book to update next.

Hello summer has started so I'll be having time to update more and focus on most of the rest of the little chapters that are left.

Enjoy your ride and summer everyone see you next time.

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