more pets

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Great: he would for sure have a bunnies as pets because he would for sure love them.

Macabre: a German Shepherd and train him on to smell tracks down anything and I am not wrong.

Benevolent: took in a small tabby cat that was wondering around the bakery.

Dreadful: a mice as he didn't want a cat or dog so he was content with  small little creature.

Scary: a black cat because of how cats are bad luck but he still likes his companion and a snake.

Practical: Gerbals he wanted a creature that didn't need much attention and would be loud.

Placid: he would also have bunnies for sure.

Dynamic:he would have fish's of all sorts.

Emotionless: he sat their looking at his little hamster he wasn't going to lie the little creature was entertaining.

Unstable: Albert would come by to take care of the mices he had.

Radiant:he would for sure have a bird a small one

Unpredictable: he actually took in a stray litter of kittens they've been taken to the vets to see if they're is anything wrong

Sorrowful: he would have a Golden retriever.


Alonetraveler: he would take a fox and call it his little meow meow

Selozar: if he could he would take in a bird

Random: between cats or bunnies

I hope you enjoyed this page and have a nice night or day.

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