chapter 9

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Dean grabbed Cas' collar and dragged him with himself behind the nearest statue while Sam jumped behind another one. Then they saw the light of a flashlight scanning the room. When the light lit the statue Dean and Cas were behind, they held their breath, hoping they wouldn't be discovered. Then the light moved on. They heard someone snorting and cursing. Dean was surprised. He knew that voice. He cautiously tried to look at the intruder and he saw a man standing in the middle of the room, looking a little bit helpless. He also had a baseball cap on his head. Dean stepped from behind the statue and greeted the man. "Hey Bobby! What took you so long?" he said with relief. Now Sam and Cas also came from behind their statues. "Hey Bobby! Long time no see!" Sam said, while Cas just stood there a little bit awkward. "Well ya idjits!! Where were you all this time? I couldn't find you anywhere!" Bobby said relieved. "We were trying to find out a way to stop the Arachnesses from calling their master." Sam said. "But we have no idea how. We don't even know who they are going to call." Dean said. "Well, I do. It took me a long time to figure this one out, but when I looked through my piles of books I found this one almost at the bottom." He said while grabbing an old looking book from the inside of his jacket. "What does it say?" Cas asked. "It says that when the moon is half-full, in the third month of the year at midnight, the entrance between hell and earth will be unguarded. I don't exactly know what it means, but I do know that if this creature comes from hell, it could cause a whole lot of trouble." "So, this creature can only be summoned when it is midnight, the moon is exactly half-full and in the third month of the year? That doesn't happen very often, but do you know what it is?" Dean asked. "No, I don't. I only know that this isn't just the master of the Arachnesses. More monsters call this creature their master. It's dangerous and it can sweep us all off with just one snap of its finger. So whatever happens tonight, we have to prevent it from coming to earth." Bobby said. "Okay, we better get going. It's getting dark, and we practically don't know anything about it." Sam said. They walked towards the door, but just when they wanted to open it, Sam and Bobby fell down. Cas and Dean, who walked behind them stared at them. Then they heard footsteps running towards them and a lot of excited whispers. Cas grabbed Dean's jacket and dragged him into the shadows. It was a small space and Cas was literally pressed between the wall and Dean. Very uncomfortable. He grew a little red, but it was dark and Dean didn't notice it. He felt a warmth spreading inside of him and got a little smile on his face. "Why are you smiling?" Dean asked. Cas swept the smile from his face and tried to look normal again. "I was just thinking about the times we hung out and we didn't have to worry about danger." He said. Dean pulled up an eyebrow. "We always have to worry about danger." He said. "Yeah, but it wasn't that bad then. Now it is. I kind of have the feeling that we are maybe not going to survive this."Cas whispered. "No Cas! Don't think that way. We always survive! You can't think that way." Dean said strictly. He turned a little bit red himself, because he knew Cas was right. They didn't know what was going to happen and it was absolutely much more dangerous than they could ever imagine. He sighed, deep in thoughts. He saw the Arachnesses carrying Bobby and Sam away. "we have to save them." Dean mumbled. "yes, we do." Cas agreed whispering. Dean looked at Cas. His head was hanging down and he looked hopeless. Dean wrapped an arm behind Cas' shoulder. "Hey, we're going to make this. We aren't going to die. We're the Winchesters. We have an angel and a grumpy old man on our side. How could we possibly fail?" Dean joked, trying to cheer Cas up. Cas smiled. "Of course we can make it." He said. They got out of the shadows and Dean immediately felt the heat leaving where he had been pressed against Cas. It was chilly. They walked up to the door where Sam and Bobby fell down. When they examined the hallway, they could see a trail of blood on the floor. "Well, they are making it awfully easy for us." Dean said smirking. He walked into the hallway. Cas wanted to follow. Then he felt the roof shaking and he saw the door in front of him closing, separating him from Dean. "CAS! NOO!" Dean screamed. "DEAN! DEAN! ARE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE?" Cas screamed through the door. "Yes, where else could I be? Go find another way to find me. I'm going to follow this trail." He heard Dean saying from the other die of the door. "Dean, it's probably a trap. I think you should wait for me before you even move." Cas said. "I appreciate your concern Cas," Cas went red, "but what can I do? The only thing I can do is follow that trail. I know it is a trap but I refuse to just stand here doing nothing, while you figure out a way to get to me." Dean said. Cas sighed. "Okay, go ahead. I'll figure a way to get to you guys." Cas said. The trench coated man turned around and walked the opposite direction. He ran to the nearest exit and opened the door. The hallway was pitch-black. Cas grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He saw spider webs everywhere. He swallowed a few times and stepped into the dark.

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