chapter 13

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Dean was now walking without groaning with every step he took. He could even jog a little bit already, but he was still in terrible shape. His wounds were healing, but they sure hurt on the inside. “Cas? Can you grab me a beer?” “No, Dean, you can walk by yourself now, so I don’t have to get your stuff anymore.” Cas grinned, while Dean tried the puppy face. It didn’t work on Cas. Dean got up. “Fine, I’ll go do it myself.” He groaned and walked over to the freezer. He grabbed two beers and held one out to Cas. Cas took it and they sat down again. “So, I think we can begin hunting when Dean feels okay.” Sam said excitedly. Dean smiled at Sam. “I’ll make sure to be better soon, so we can bring this son of a bitch down.” Dean said with a smile and a slight hunger in his eyes. He wanted to get to work again. Laying still all these days had been so boring. “Just be careful.” Cas said with a serious face.” “Aren’t you joining us Cas?” Dean asked. “No, I can’t. They called me from upstairs. I have left my deskwork for too long, and I have to get to work again, but I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He said. He walked over to Dean and gave him a firm hug. Then walked over to Sam and gave him a hug too. In a blink of an eye, he was gone. Dean already missed him, but he was excited to go hunting again. Sam sat down behind his laptop again. They sat there for hours, trying to find out what had tormented the large village they were going to pay a visit to. They sat there for a few hours. Then the phone rang. Dean picked up. “hello? Hey Bobby! Really? What is he doing? Yes, Sam is right beside me. I’ll put you on speaker.” Dean pushed the ‘speaker’ button on his phone and Bobby spoke. “Hey guys! I have found out something. Some strange things are happening all over the country since that creature was freed, but in one area it’s really bad. People are just passing out while walking on the street. I think he has to be somewhere in that area. And here is the bad part. It’s in New York, so you have to be really careful. If there is a lot of supernatural activity somewhere, it would be New York. Good luck guys, I’ll keep searching and I’ll let you know when I know more.” Then Bobby hung up.

Dean was much better a few days later, and Sam and Dean decided to hit the road. Sam couldn’t be more exited and Dean was happy to see his brother being happy again. Sam turned on the radio, and as if the radio had felt that they were in a good mood, it started playing Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Dean started singing along and Sam looked at him as if he had gone crazy. “What?” Dean said. “Nothing, I just ……..” Sam said smiling. “Come on Sam! Sing along while we still can!” Dean said with a grin and they both sang along. Dean thought about Cas. It’s a shame that he wasn’t here to enjoy the moment, but Cas was still there a little bit. He listened through Dean’s head to the song and smiled a little bit while waiting on the chair they had put him on. He could feel Dean’s happy mood and wished he could be there in person. Then the door opened and a beam of white light came shining into the spotless white room, which was too white for Cas’ liking, but that might be because Cas wasn’t used to it anymore. Then reality came back. He once more tried to free his wrists from the bands they were placed in, to keep him on the chair. He couldn’t move the slightest bit. He cursed inside and looked up with anger. “Am I allowed to ask why I’m tied up in this chair?” he asked furious. “No, Castiel, you can’t.” The voice said. It was one of his sisters. “Is it because of Dean?” Cas asked. “No, of course not. Although I have to admit a lot of your brothers and sisters don’t agree with you, but no. it’s not about that.” “Then why am I here?” Cas said surprised, but still furious. The lady smiled. It looked a little evil, but Cas shook it off. He must’ve seen it wrong. “Well Cassie, I need you.” She said. She showed him the Angel Blade she hid behind her back. Cas swallowed and looked at her in astonishment. Why in Heaven would an angel of the lord threaten another angel? This wasn’t God’s will. What was going on here? Cas thought about all the ways he could break free. Then the blade shot forward and cut into his arm. The cut burned and Cas Creamed as if this was the last thing he would see in his life. The pain was unbearable. Then he felt another cut in his chest. It was long and deep. All Cas could do is think about why he was tortured this way? What did the angels want from him? He felt punches in his face and wounds forming, caused by the blade. His whole body felt as if it was on fire, but it wasn’t. his whole body was covered in blood and he was almost unconscious, but not yet. He thought about Dean. That gave him strength. He opened his eyes. The woman took a step back in bafflement. Her eyes were big and she looked at Cas. Then she smiled. Finally. She had accomplished her mission. Cas’ eyes were glowing. In fact, his whole being was glowing. He snapped the bands off and stood up. He grabbed the woman at her arm and pulled her closer. Then he let go and disappeared.

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