chapter 15

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to celebrate the beginning of March ;)

After they had packed everything they needed, they got into the car and hit the road again. The silence was deafening, but neither of them knew what to say. After a while Sam broke the silence. “Do you know where to start?” “No, but I thought we should go to Bobby. He knows what to do. He always does.” Dean said. But he actually didn’t know. He knew nothing. He didn’t know where Cas was, he didn’t know where to start and he had just missed a side-way. He cursed and turned around. “Okay, we don’t know where Cas is, but who were the angels that took him? If he was in a spotless white room when they tortured him, I think he was is heaven. Of course, when he broke free the angles came looking for him. Now they caught him, so I think they took him back to heaven. The only question is: how are we going to get Cas back out of heaven?” Sam asked. Dean shot him a look. “I think you’re right. They surely took him to heaven, but I have no idea how we’re going to get there.” Dean felt anger burning up inside of him. “Man, I feel like kicking those bastards straight to hell.” He mumbled. Sam smirked to that. “How are you going to get some angels to hell?” He asked Dean, who shot him an unamused glare. He snorted and ignored Sammy. The day grew old and the stars appeared in the sky. Dean stopped at a roadhouse and ordered some burgers and fries. When he came back he saw Sam sitting on the hood of the car. He sighed and sat down next to him, handing a burger to Sam. He looked up at the sky and sighed once again. “Honestly, I have no idea where to start.” Dean said bitterly and Sam nodded slowly. “Me neither.” He said. After dinner they got into the car again. “If we’re lucky, we can get to Bobby’s before the next day.” Sam mumbled. “Okay then, let’s see how fast baby can drive.” Dean said. A few seconds later, they were driving far above speed limit on a country road, with no other car to be seen. Sam felt drowsy and felt sleep taking over. Dean shot him a look and a slight smile appeared on his face. He drove all night until he saw the sun coming up. He had blue areas underneath his eyes and he felt tired. Then he saw a familiar house appearing at the end of the road. They were finally at Bobby’s. when Dean shut down the engine, Sam woke up with a loud snore. “we’re here sleepyhead.” Dean said, while opening the door. He got out and knocked on the door. They heard footsteps coming closer and the door was opened by Bobby Singer. “Dean! Sam! What can I do for you two?” he said while letting the brothers in. as soon as Dean turned to face Bobby he got a splash of holy water in his face and after him, Sam got too. “No demons, Bobby!” Dean hissed, really not feeling like playing around. “Can’t be careful enough!” Bobby said. “Cas is gone.” Dean said. Bobby stopped walking and turned around. “What do you mean ‘gone’?” “Exactly as I say, gone. The angels took him, we think to heaven, and we have to get him back.” Dean said. “Then, I can’t help ya kiddo.” Bobby said. “Why not?” Sam asked. “Because I have no idea how to get ya two into heaven. The only way is to die, but most of the time, when you die, you don’t come back alive. That’s the whole point of dying.” Bobby said with an sarcastic undertone. Sam frowned. “How did you know we would ask you to find a way into heaven?” He asked. “We haven’t told you any of this.” Dean took a step forward, grabbed a bottle of holy water and splashed it in Bobby’s face. The only thing he got out of it was a wet Bobby. “Well, can’t be careful enough, right?” Dean said. “They were here.” “Who were here?” “Who do ya think, idjit?! The angels of course.” “They are watching my house. I can’t get out unnoticed. And now neither of you can. You think they haven’t seen you? Think again.” Bobby said, sounding a little lost. “What do we do now?” Dean asked. “We can at least read your books. Maybe we can find a way to cross heaven’s boarder and making it out alive.” Sam said. “So? Considering there actually is a way in and out there, how are we going to get there unseen with a galleon of angels out there staring at the front door?” Dean asked. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Sam said, quoting Dean. Dean rolled his eyes and turned to the huge pile of books spread all across the room. “Well, lets start digging then.” After several hours of looking through a couple of books Bobby selected from the huge pile, Dean almost fell asleep and Sam had already passed out on the couch. Bobby decided to go to bed to get some sleep because he couldn’t carry on without some rest. Only Dean was determined to get some information before the day was over, but there were just two and a half hours left of today. Dean flipped the page, his eyes scanning the letters and words. He was barely able to get his eyes focussed. Every once in a while his eyes would go all over the place without even reading the words. Dean closed his eyes firmly and opened them wide, then he continued reading. He letters were getting blurry and the words were scattered all over the page. Then the light dimmed and he couldn’t see a thing anymore. He felt his forehead colliding with the paper and the book was surprisingly comfortable at the moment. He sighed and blacked out, dreaming off to a world of stories and adventures that would be forgotten when he woke up again.

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