chapter 23

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Crowley, Sam and Balthasar came running in just when Cas tried to get to Dean, but couldn't move, because of the blades. Dean was unconscious and Sam ran up to him. "Dean! Can you hear me?! Cas what happened?" "He's alright, Sam, just unconscious." "We should move out of here. I have the feeling we're being watched, and it gives me the chills." Balthasar rambled on. "I'm feeling it too, and I don't like heaven for the slightest bit." Crowley said and added, "All that violence is having a bad influence on me." He chuckled and noticed nobody was laughing about his joke, so he coughed and helped Balthasar lift up Cas, while Sam lifted up Dean. They tried to find their way out of the building and soon they stepped into the light of the sun. "We only have to find the way back to the graveyard and then I can send us to the bunker." Balthasar said while anxiously looking for what could be a way out of God's heaven. A scream of relieve left his mouth when he found it. This time it was a grave. He touched it and in the blink of an eye they were back a t the lifeless graveyard. Everyone grabbed Balthasar's arm and they felt themselves get sucked up on their way to the bunker. When they opened their eyes they were at the bunker. It all seemed so calm, as if the events that just took place didn't happen at all. They laid Dean and Cas down on the bed and Sam started cleaning Cas' wounds while Dean just slept. Cas didn't even feel when Sam carefully pulled out the knives. When they were all removed Sam cleaned them with a little bit of alcohol. After that he let Balthasar heal him. "Does Dean need some healing too?" "No, I don't think so, he doesn't have internal wounds, so I think he just needs to rest."

After a while Cas woke up next to a still sleeping Dean. Dean was sweating a bit and his face was frowned. Cas tried to move his hands and noticed it wasn't as difficult as he had thought. He tried to sit up. He didn't feel any pain and got off the bed. The door wasn't entirely closed and he could hear people talking on the other side, just not loud enough for him to hear. What was that weird and annoying feeling in his stomach? Just when he thought that his belly made a whale-in-labour sound. He blushed and walked out of the room. "Sam? My stomach is making whale noises..... what should I do?" Sam laughed. "Well, Cas, I think you're hungry. Let me get you something. I'll make pancakes." Sam walked into the kitchen and Cas followed him. he watched Sam mixing some ingredients and stirring till a smooth liquid texture. He put the pan on the stove and waited till it was warm. He melted some butter in the pan and put a big spoon of the batter in the pan. First it seemed like nothing happened, but soon it started to get solid. When this happened Cas stood up in surprise. "How did you do that? How did you make that liquid solid?" Sam turned around. "Well, the heat of the pan does that. When this is all solid, I'm going to flip this over and it will be golden brown." As Sam said so, he flipped the pancake and the pancake had indeed a golden brown surface. Cas smiled and walked back to where he sat before. A few minutes later Cas had eaten a crap load of pancakes. There were still a few left and Sam didn't want them, so he placed them on a plate. "I'm going to set then beside Dean's bed, okay?" He asked Sam. "Yeah, you could do that, bet he's been asleep for three days and hasn't woken up, so I doubt it if he will wake up soon." He said concerned. "Well, if he wakes up, he has some pancakes. Have I also slept three days?" Cas questioned. "Yes, you have. But for you that's what we expected. I have no idea when Dean will be better." Cas nodded and walked out the kitchen he walked through the hallway into Dean's bedroom. He sat down on the end of the bed near Dean's feet. "Hey Dean, please wake up soon. Sam is concerned and I want to talk to you. There are so many things I don't know and I want you to teach me how to be human." Cas blushed when he looked at Dean sleeping face and felt his feet move against his hands. He set the plate on the nightstand next to the bed. He heard Dean inhale and turn. Cas smiled and sat a little closer to Dean. "And I still haven't thanked you for saving my ass back there in heaven. I appreciate it." He stood up and walked out the room. Sam was busy on his laptop and buried in books. "Hey Cas, come see this." Cas walked over to look at what Sam was pointing at. "Have you ever heard of this legend? Something about Atlantis and the wise men. I tried to unravel some of this script, but I can't translate it all." "No, sorry, I don't speak Atlantic, but does Dean have a laptop I can borrow? I want to do some research myself. When Dean's still asleep we can use that tie to find out what Abigor is planning on doing." "Yeah, in the first drawer in his closet in his room." Sam said deep in thoughts and made a weird hand movement to point Cas in the right direction. Cas walked back to where Dean was laying on his bed and found the closet. He ducked and pulled open the first drawer. The laptop and the charger were placed in the middle and covered in a really thin layer of dust. Cas blew at it and it dusted off into his face. Cas coughed a few times and took a step back. "Shouldn't do that, it can get stuck in your lungs, Cas." "Yes, I know now." Cas said, somewhat irritated. Cas' eyes grew big and he turned around, broke a vase while doing so and made a weird looking move in attempt to catch is, but he failed miserably. "You talk...." Cas rambled on to Dean, who was sitting in his bed. "Yes, Cas, I've talked since I was four and I can still do it." Dean said while rolling his eyes. Cas blushed. "I meant to say that there are some pancakes beside your bed." He said while turning redder and redder. "Yeah", Dean chuckled, "I woke up to the scent of them. I love pancakes." Cas smiled and sat down on the bed. "Sam made them." he said while playing with his hands. He knew he had feelings for Dean before he became human, but they were stronger now, so it was weird for him experiencing that his whole body was tensed and slightly sweating. "Cas, you don't look so well." Dean reached out and placed his hand on Cas' forehead. "Damn Cas, you're burning! I think you have a fever." ", I'm fine." He tried to convince Dean, who just pulled up an eyebrow and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "Come Cas, lets teach you to how to be human." He said with a smile. Cas stood up, deep in thoughts and wondering what Dean had heard when he was sleeping.

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