chapter 19

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“What in heaven do you want from me?!” Cas sneered to his attacker. He felt dizzy and thought he almost had no blood left to be spilled. He could feel the lack of oxygen, but the only thing the man did was laugh. He laughed so hard it almost hurt Cas’ ears. Cas shut his eyes and sighed. It was no use. They just wouldn’t tell them. “Oh, Cas, you know why you are here. We don’t want anything from you, you just need to be punished. Cas rolled his eyes. They had been over this several times. “For what? Releasing the Leviathans from purgatory? Raising Dean out of hell, rebelling? Just tell me already! I have no idea!” He said, almost begging. The man shot him a glare. He walked up to Cas grabbed him at the collar, or what was left of it. “Just stop messing around with us. We know what you have done and it’s time you’re being punished for what you’ve done. Don’t you get it? The sooner you just stop being so stubborn, the sooner you’ll be out of here.” The man said. Then another woman came walking in and the man let him go as fast as possible. He stood straight and almost looked scared of the woman. Cas frowned and looked up at her. He had to admit, she was kind of scary. “Well Cas, has it occurred to you what you’ve done?” Oh, no not again. “Ma’am, I have honestly no idea what you’re talking about, and I would like to go out of here if you don’t mind.” Cas’ voice sounded so sweet it was poisonous. The woman rolled her eyes. Cas could see she had almost reached the end of her patience, but he had no idea what the woman wanted him to say. Then she snapped. “Oh, come on Castiel! Don’t keep telling me you have no idea! We know exactly what you’ve been up to and you’re getting the Winchesters involved, I don’t know what you did to them to agree on doing this ridiculous thing, but you certainly have your ways.” “I have still no idea what you’re talking about.”  Cas sighed. The woman got red spots on her face and Castiel felt the fear from the man besides him. Cas smirked. “ Okay, Castiel, you asked for it. I’ll just tell you. You have awoken Abigor to get him to destroy heaven. And I’m not amused by that.” That last sentence was spoken quietly but threatening. Cas swallowed. “I think you’ve made a mistake. I haven’t awoken Abigor, that was someone else, named Crowley, you might know him? King of hell. Does that ring a bell? Believe me, we want to stop it just as much as you do, but keeping me here doesn’t help either of us.” She smirked. “You expect me to believe that? You really do expect me to believe that? You have no idea what I’m going to do to you have you?” She said with an evil smile. “Cut him loose.”  She demanded. “And bring him to me.” She shut the door again and the man next to me sighed in relief and unchained me. “Man, you’re going to get it rough. I can tell she doesn’t like you.” “Well, lucky for her I don’t like her either.” Cas murmured. Then he was pulled up and taken through the door into a hallway, which was also clean and white. They walked long for a long time before his companion stopped at a large door, also white. “So, what’s first? Cutting me with angel blades? Ripping my guts out? Chopping off my legs? Crash my soul and then heal me again? Tell me, I’m all ears.” Cas said with a sour voice. The woman only grinned, but she said nothing. “Sit down Castiel. You must be hungry.” She said. Cas’ eyes almost fell out of his skull from astonishment. “No, I’d rather stand here and I’m not hungry. Maybe you know why. Because maybe, just maybe you might have the knowledge that angels don’t eat.” Cas said sarcastically. He actually felt like eating, not because he was hungry, but just because he thought it looked nice and he was exhausted and grumpy, which made him careless. “Okay then, let’s sit down and talk for a little bit.” The woman said. Cas sat down and looked at her suspiciously. As soon as she tried to do something, Cas would kill her. He hadn’t figured out how yet, but he would and the woman knew it too. She just smirked and took a comfortable position. “So, what do you want from me?” “This is just the last chance I give you to actually tell the truth and to take responsibility for your actions. And you’ve done a lot of damage to us, Castiel, so just admit you did it and we can proceed.” “No, I’m not going to take responsibility for a crime I haven’t committed.” Cas said and leaned back into the chair. The weights of doubt were on his shoulder. Was he actually doing the right thing? Was this helping him? Obviously not, but he just wasn’t going to admit. “Okay, fine. Nothing to say? Then say goodbye to everyone.” She said with an enormous evil smile. “Goodbye….” Cas whispered quietly when he realised he wasn’t going to survive this. A tear rolled down his face and he thought of Dean. Goodbye Dean… He thought and followed the woman to a room filled with darkness.

Dean was sleeping for the first time in days. He and Sam had searched the location where Atlantis must’ve been and when they finally found it it was already hours later. Bobby had fallen asleep on the couch and was snoring loud. Sam said he went to bed and Dean only nodded, the blue areas under his eyes were well visible. He smiled lightly and sat down at the desk. He thought about everything he wanted to tell Cas, but decided to wait till the next morning. Now he woke up sweating and tears in his eyes. Goodbye Dean... He heard Cas’ voice echo through his head. He knew what that meant. He would never see Cas again. His breathing became heavy and then everything went black.  

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