chapter 17

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Cas’ face was covered in blood and he had cuts and wounds all over him. “Dean…… Please……. Don’t come closer…” Dean watched Cas from a little distance. He wanted to go at him and hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay, but this damn  wall was separating them. It wasn’t glass, but it was invisible. Unable to break through the wall, he tried to shout at Cas. “Cas! Hold on! I’m going to get you out of here! Don’t go anywhere! Please hang in there! I’ll be there in a minute!” he said while a single tear found his way down his cheek. Dean wiped it away and tried to break the barrier with his shoulder. He stepped back and slammed into the invisible wall. Nothing happened. More tears came and Dean could barely hold them in. Cas was still tied up with invisible strings, which made his pose look very unnatural. A bright light came running into the room and…. “Crowley.”  

Dean woke up breathing heavily and sweat and something else streaming down his face. “Cas…..” Dean whispered quietly and a tear made its way down his cheek. He wiped it away, angry at himself for crying. The last thing Cas had said to him was Crowley. Does that mean that they had to ask for his help, or that we had to be cautious for him? The awful images of Cas being tortured were still in his head and before his eyes. He squeezed his eyes closed and swallowed anxiously. “You had a dream also?” he heard a voice speaking to him. It wasn’t Sam’s or Bobby’s voice, but it didn’t sound threatening. He opened his eyes to see Crowley sitting in front of him. He was looking tired and had red eyes. “Look, Winchester. I know I haven’t been a good friend most of the time, but…” “You’ve never been a friend and you never will.” Dean said with a sad tone. Crowley looked up and a small smile appeared on his face. “I know, but I have to admit. I’ve never been more screwed, and I would do anything to get your help. Releasing ‘Master’”, he said master sarcastically, “into this world. It’s the stupidest thing I could ever have done, but I also know that, because you’re the Winchesters and I know you’ll try to kill it, you need me. I’m the only one who knows exactly what he is. And I’ll tell you, if you help me get rid of that thing.” He spoke of the creature in disgust and Dean smirked. “So, you need OUR help?” he said. “Yes, I do and I’m not ashamed to ask it, because if you don’t accept, we’ll all be dead within a matter of days and I know you have to rescue your beloved Cas.” Crowley smirked. Dean’s face became pale. “How do you know?” “I know a lot. Everyone is talking about it and you know that I love gossip.” Crowley said with a smirk and finally looked up to Dean. “Okay, we’ll help you, if you help me get Cas back.” Dean said. “You want to seal that with a kiss?” Crowley asked. Dean was shocked and didn’t know how to react for a while. When he finally came to senses, he said, “no, thank you.” Crowley shrugged. “Okay, but you’re the one missing out.” He said before standing up and turning his back to Dean. “Don’t you have to get your moose and boss?” he said quietly, but Dean could hear him clearly. Dean cursed quietly, but stood up and walked up the stairs. The stairs made cracking noises with every step he took. He woke Bobby and Sam and walked down the stairs again. Crowley had already made himself comfortable and was just placing his feet on the coffee table, when Bobby came running in. “Feet off the table!!” he shouted angrily and Crowley lifted them off again. “You could’ve just asked nicely.” He said before placing his feet on the ground. Dean sat down on the chair opposite to Crowley and Sam sat in the big chair on his left. Bobby just stood there with a gun in his hands. Crowley smirked. “What do you want to accomplish with that?” he asked. “You have no idea what I did to the bullets.” Bobby said grinning at Crowley. Crowley swallowed and turned to Dean. “Well, let’s tell our companions what we’ve talked about.” “Wait, what? Companions? Dean what have you done?” Sam and Bobby said at the same time. Dean looked down, sighed and looked the two in the eyes. “I made a deal. We help him to kill the thing he released and he helps us get Cas back.” Sam couldn’t resist asking. “Did you kiss him?” Dean rolled his eyes. “No, of course not. Although he said I was missing out. Bobby, am I missing out?” Dean said. Bobby grew red from anger and embarrassment. “No, definitely not.” He said and glared at Crowley. Crowley smirked and turned away from Bobby. “Well, let’s get to business.” He said. “this creature isn’t something ordinary. It was locked up in hell, but we managed to get it out, biggest mistake of my life by the way and I’ve been here for a long time, it isn’t a demon or other kind of creature. Okay, focus now, this is an angel and his name is Abigor. He didn’t rebel or something, but he just vanished when Lucifer was put in his cage. We didn’t worry about him, but we should have. Abigor was secretly loyal to Lucifer and when Lucifer was caught, Abigor hid for centuries and never came out. He creates some of the supernatural creatures and was called their master for a long time. Then one day, a demon found him and managed to get him into hell, which cost him his life, and locked him in the cage of Lucifer. We tortured him and nobody knew it. Except for a few demons, including me. When someone spends too long in hell, he turns  into a demon, you know that Dean, so did Abigor. He turned also. He drove himself crazy with the idea and that made the changing progress even quicker, so within a short amount of time, he became a demon with angelic blood running through his veins. If anything is dangerous, than it’s a demon with angel blood, so when Lucifer got freed he escaped from the cage, but didn’t leave hell. He liked it there. He managed to hide from me and all the other demons. He found shelter in the places of hell even I fear, and managed to survive in the dark. He apparently had contact with his children and told them to free him. Then I came in the picture, because they needed my blood. They said he would join my army and be my servant, but of course he didn’t keep his promise. I also assume they had drugged me when I said yes, but that doesn’t matter now. Abigor is trying to make earth like hell. He wants to make it his idea of paradise.” Dean sighed and Sam stood up and rubbed his eyes. “Owh, this is something different. How to we kill it?” He asked. Crowley looked apologetically at him. “I honestly don’t know. That’s why I need your help and you need mine.” Dean frowned. “Why do you need us? We don’t know anything about this thing.” “No, you don’t, but Cas does. And that’s where you need me. We need to get in contact with Cas and regarding your profound bond with him, I assume you can contact him.” Crowley said smirking. Dean sighed. “I tried, but I don’t know if he gets anything I pray to him. He doesn’t respond.” Dean said. “You prayed? Dean Winchester prayed?” Crowley let out an amused laugh. “Never thought that would happen.” He said while wiping his eyes. Dean grew red from anger and embarrassment. “Yes, I do.” He said with little pride he had left. “So, let’s try it again then. Ask if he knows something about Abigor.” Sam said. Dean nodded and sat down on the couch next to Crowley.

“Dear Cas, you have no idea how much I miss you.”  

Dean blushed while praying that to Cas, but nobody else had to know what he had said.

We are cooperating with Crowley, and please don’t say I’m stupid. I know I am, but back to the main point. Do you remember the creature called ‘Master’? It was Abigor. I don’t know if you remember him, but it was an angel. To keep this short, he was caught in hell and became a demon. He liked it there so much that he wants to turn earth into hell. We have to stop him, so you have to try and get info on him. I don’t even know if you even get this, but as you do, I need you back man. It’s killing me from the inside. See you soon. We’re going to get you out of there….. please give a sign soon.”  

Up in heaven Cas was tied up with invisible strings and his body was covered with blood, cuts, wounds and scars, but he still smiled when receiving Dean’s message.

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