chapter 25

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(A/N) hello! i've finally found the inspiration to write again. the stressfull times are gone now and i hope i'll be able to post more often, so here's the next chapter. :)

When Dean and Cas came back to the bunker with their arms packed with food and a laptop, they found an empty room and a note on the table saying that Sam went to the library to research something. Dean rolled his eyes and put all the groceries down. "He left us to clean all this shit up." Dean said with a hint of amusement. Cas laughed and also put his stuff down. "Well, I'm going to do research again." He said while grabbing Deans old laptop and turning it on. Dean sighed and joined him.

After a while they were both sleeping on the couch when the lights started to flicker. A soft knock sounded heavily through the silent bunker. A wind that came out of nowhere started blowing. The door opened silently and footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Dean and Cas were still fast asleep. Then a silent whisper sounded, "Hello, boys." Dean's eyes shot open and Cas stirred a bit. Dean's eyes grew wide when he saw Crowley standing in front of them. "Crowley.........Again." Dean stated, not as amused as Crowley had hoped he would be. He rolled his eyes and finally Cas opened his eyes too. "Well, I actually was hoping for a warm welcome, but I should have known that isn't to be expected when visiting the Winchesters." Dean snorted. "Well, see. I have some valuable information for you guys that I would love to share with you." Crowley said with glistering eyes. "And what do you want in return?" Dean asked. Crowley faked as if he was offended. "How come you don't trust me?" He whined and Dean rolled his eyes once again. "Okay, I want you to help me, because I have found a prophesy and I can't complete the test. I need a human being for that, and unfortunately, I'm not a human being. "Okay, tell us about it, then we'll decide if we're going to help you, or not." Cas said. Crowley snorted. "You don't actually think I'm going to tell you the whole story without being certain that you're going to join me?!" He said. "Okay, we'll join you." Dean said. "Now tell us." They sat on the couch and Crowley started telling his tale.

"I was walking past an alley yesterday, and I found a book in one of the containers lined up against the wall. I took it and started to read. It wasn't a good book. Just the usual story. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, some downs, one up and a happily ever after." "Please, Crowley, just tell us the interesting bits. We don't want to know you're actually madly in love with romantic books." Dean said annoyed. "Well, we would already be done if you wouldn't have cut me off." Crowley spat. "As I was saying, it was a boring book, until I came to the end. The last page was ripped out and I found it in the cover, folded twice and it was stained, what means it was old. I unfolded it and it was an unreadable mess of drawings and weird symbols. Here comes the tricky part, I discovered that demons can't read it whatsoever, but you can." Crowley reached in his coat's pockets and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He handed it to Dean, who unfolded it with a frown and looked at the mess of symbols and letters. "I don't know what to make out of this. I can't read it." "No, Dean you don't understand." Crowley said with a sigh of annoyance. "You can't read it now, but humans are able to learn how to read it, and demons aren't, so you have to find a way to figure out what's on this little piece of paper." "How do I learn to read it?" "I have no idea, but what's a quest if it isn't a challenge? Looks like we're going to spent a lot of time together the next few weeks." Crowley grinned and made himself comfortable on the couch. "Oh no. you are going into the demons trap. I will not risk one of us dying, because you decided to murder someone when you have the chance." Dean hissed. Crowley rolled his eyes. "Why would I murder you when I need you?" "Exactly, that's what I mean. You need me, but you don't need them. I know you. You're coming with me and we'll figure this thing out down there. "No way I'm allowing you to go down with him, Dean!" Came a voice from behind. Cas, Dean and Crowley turned around at the same time and saw Sam standing there with a crap load of books in his arms. "I have to. I don't trust him up here." Sam sighed and turned his back on Dean. Then he suddenly turned around facing Crowley. "Don't you dare mess with my brother, because if you do...." "Then you'll kill me." Crowley finished Sam's sentence annoyed, but Sam started laughing. "No, I'll not kill you. I'll torture you until you're begging me to stop." Crowley rolled his eyes, but the air around him felt a little bit nervous. They all walked to the basement in silence. Cas was rather uncomfortable with the idea that Dean would be alone with Crowley, but he understood. He was determined to wake over him. when they finally came to the end of the stairs and Deans foot touched the floor, they all felt uncomfortable and sad, except for Crowley. Sam coughed and walked past Crowley and Dean he opened the two bookcases and a large demon trap revealed itself in front of them. Crowley and Dean walked into the trap and sat down. Cas and Sam just stood there watching them. "Well, at least get us some food and water. I'm already starving." Dean tried to joke. Cas' face cracked a small smile, but Sam grew annoyed and walked away to get the food. Cas' smile was enough for Dean. "Cas, maybe you should get some sleep?" "No, I'm going to stay here with you." Cas said determined. "But it's much more comfortable up there." Dean argued. "No, you can't get me upstairs. I'm staying here." Crolwey rolled his eyes. "You're already acting like love struck teenagers." Dean and Cas looked at their feet, trying to hide their blushes. Crowleys eyes grew wide. "You haven't told each other yet?! Damn, that's a whole new level of 'taking it slow'." He said while laughing at Dean and Cas. "We're not taking it slow!" Dean said in defence. "Than why haven't you told him?" Crowley said mockingly. Dean hissed. "I'll prove it." He walked up to Cas, who had no idea what was going on. "I'm sorry." Dean whispered in his ear. Cas didn't know what to do, but he didn't have to do anything. He felt Deans lips brush against his and he felt a shiver moving down his spine. He closed his eyes, longing for more. Dean grabbed Cas' neck and pulled him even closer. Their lips met and Dean felt like a millions little fireworks were exploding inside of him. Cas melted into the kiss and their lips moved perfectly against each other's. Cas placed a hand on Deans face and Dean couldn't get enough of Cas' touch. After what felt like an eternity they finally parted. Cas was out of breath. Dean had just kissed him! And he liked it! When Dean finally realised what he had done, and had wanted to do for a long time, a smile spread across his face and his eyes were glistening with joy and happiness. They just looked at each other smiling. "Well, I could almost see the sparks.." Crowley said , the sarcasm dripping from his voice. Dean turned around and gave him his ultimate bitchface. "Well, you asked for it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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