Chapter 3

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"What the hell are you doing?" Emma was willing to apologize, but not just yet. As soon as she saw Regina in the bathroom, she couldn't help but lash out on her.

Regina was looking at herself in the mirror and held red lipstick in her hand. She closed the tube and put it in her purse before she turned to Emma.

"What are you talking about?" she asked innocently. Emma hated this tone. She knew Regina was aware of everything that had been going on at the table, yet she managed to act so innocent.

"Why did you have to embarrass me like that?" Emma questioned with a loud voice. It only occurred to her now, that there may be other people present in the bathroom. Her eyes checked the stalls, but every one of them was vacant. "It's bad enough that I'm on a date, while my ex-wife is sitting next to me, but.."

"Oh, please. Don't tell me you're actually attracted to that man?" Regina interrupted.

Emma didn't reply for a moment as she pursed her lips together. She didn't even know the answer to that question herself yet, but as the night went on, she liked him more.

"Oh my God, that misogynistic ass?" Regina said loudly and raised her eyebrows as she slowly shook her head.

"At least I know he won't cheat on me," Emma responded fiercely and she saw Regina slightly stepping back. The woman looked offended, but her expression quickly turned into anger.

"No, but why would he need anyone else to clean his kitchen and do his laundry?" Regina said with a loud voice. "And he's a sailor? Emma, you get seasick by just looking at ships."

"Oh, hey. How's your new assistant? Is she better or worse at pleasuring you sexually than your previous one?" Emma questioned with an angry voice.

Regina looked defeated. She sighed and swallowed thickly. "I'm not sleeping with her. Or anyone, for that matter.."

"How ironic. The moment you're supposed to be faithful to someone, you cheat on them behind their backs. But once you're free from commitment, you stop sleeping around. Really, what is so much fun about lying to someone?" Emma asked, before Regina could finish her sentence.

The more she and Regina spoke, the angrier she felt herself become. They'd had many fights. During and before their divorce as well, but in the past two months, everything between them had been quite calm. But suddenly, this weekend, all their emotions seemed to have exploded.

"Emma, you know how horrible I feel because of what I've done," Regina said. She'd calmed herself and looked Emma in the eyes.

"Really?" Emma asked, with a voice full of contempt.

"Of course!" Regina said, and she felt herself becoming more tense. "Don't you think I know how much I screwed things up? Don't you think I regret my choices every single day? I did a horrible thing and there's nothing that will ever make that good again, I know that, but that doesn't mean I don't regret it. You know I still love you."

"Well, love isn't the only thing you need in a marriage," Emma replied. "You hurt me, Regina. You broke my trust. Don't try and win me back."

Regina looked confused. "I know, Emma. And of all the people in the world I've hurt, I never thought it would be you. I'm not trying to win you back. We tried and we didn't work out, but I want you to know that I feel awful for what I've done to our family."

Emma gulped. She'd been wondering how Regina felt about the divorce for the past three weeks, but she didn't know her feelings were this intense. The woman seemed to truly regret her actions and although it didn't change anything, Emma was glad to see that.

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