Chapter 27

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"What are we going to do about Christmas?" Emma asked as she watched her date tie a robe around her body. Regina and she had made it a habit that whenever the children were away for the night, they'd plan a date. It had happened three times in the past two weeks, including the moment they'd talked in the library, though that wasn't a date.

Regina looked at Emma. Better yet, she looked at Emma's uncovered, naked chest, and noticed a hickey that she may or may not have left the previous evening.

"Dammit, Regina. I'd asked you to stop marking my skin," Emma said, once she'd seen where Regina's gaze was at. Regina chuckled softly and blinked innocently.

"Unless you're going for a full cleavage today, in this weather, no one will notice," she said and moved towards Emma. She sat down at the edge of the bed and leaned towards Emma's head, her lips at the lobe of Emma's ear. "Except for you, of course," she whispered and kissed Emma's cheek.

She wanted to move away, but Emma had a grip on her robe and pulled her closer. She kissed Regina passionately and untied the robe, before she removed the material from Regina's body.

"I don't know why you were wearing that, anyway," Emma remarked and Regina smiled broadly as she lay down beside Emma and curled up against her.

"Do you want to celebrate Christmas together?" Regina asked. The holiday season had almost started and it wasn't more than a few weeks away. The thought of spending Christmas alone upset her and she knew it would upset Emma as well to spend Christmas alone. It would be their first Christmas after the divorce.

Emma looked in disbelief at Regina. "You serious?"

Regina cocked her head. "Can't you ask questions in a full sentence? But yes, I am serious. If the children are okay with it, I do think it's the best solution. They still don't have to know we're dating, but the last time the four of us were together, it went quite well. Once they'd seen that we could behave normally around each other."

"That's true," Emma responded. She knew that spending Christmas with the four of them like old times would be the best thing to happen to her in the entire year. She didn't know what this would mean for her and Regina, but she thought this would be the best way to celebrate Christmas. For everyone. "I think we should ask the children, but I love the idea."

Emma kissed Regina and climbed on top of her. Every time she got to be intimate with Regina again, she thanked everyone and everything. She knew they'd had their obstacles. She knew people would consider it "toxic" to get back to your ex, despite the fact that one cheated and despite the fact that they'd had issues in the past, but Emma didn't care.

Regina made her the happiest person in the world, apart from her children, and she knew there wouldn't be anyone else out there who made her feel like Regina did.

She hadn't forgotten the hurting moments in their past, but she'd learned to live with them. Accept them. And she now knew that they would only help them now that they were starting over.

Emma kissed Regina and smirked as she felt the smooth skin underneath her own. "I think I should get back at you for this spot that I have here on my chest," Emma said and glanced down to look at the purple mark.

"I think you should remember that the children will be home within an hour and you're still in my bedroom," Regina said. This comment got Emma to roll off Regina and sigh.

"Damn I wish we didn't have to part ways every time the kids come home," Emma sighed softly, and now she was the one who got out of bed to retrieve her clothes from the previous evening.

"Me too," Regina responded. They both stayed quiet for a moment after that. Emma put on her clothes as Regina watched. She didn't actively watch, but she was lost in thought and her eyes had chosen Emma to linger on.

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