Chapter 6

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It took them a while to unpack everything they'd brought with them. Especially Regina, who seemed to have packed for three months instead of a week, but after a while they were both finished.

There were three bedrooms in the beach house, which gave them plenty of opportunities to divide the rooms. Both Emma and Regina had a preference for the bed they used to sleep in together, but eventually Emma caved and chose one of the other beds.

She liked the room, though. It gave her a perfect view of the garden, which was filled with colorful flowers and plants.

Regina knocked on Emma's bedroom door and once Emma had allowed her inside, she entered the room. Emma had to admit it felt strange to have to give Regina permission to enter her bedroom.

They were divorced for four months, but especially now that they were just the two of them, it felt even more unnatural.

"My mother is asking for a photo. I sent her a picture of the house, but she wants to see a selfie. If she keeps saying things like this, I'm going to block her," Regina said. "But for now, are you okay with taking a selfie in the living room? She'll have something to show to the children."

Emma nodded and got up from the bed. She'd started reading a book, because she didn't really know what else to do.

She walked with Regina to the living room and went to stand close to her, to fit both their heads in the photo. Emma's arm was touching Regina's and she tried to stay casual for the photo's sake, but she hadn't touched Regina in any way for four months.

A smile appeared on her lips to finish the photo and Regina took it. Emma sighed relieved when Regina lowered her hand to show the photo moment was over, which Regina heard.

"I think this is the only photo we have to take and you look gorgeous, by the way," Regina complimented as her eyes moved from the screen to Emma.

"Oh.. thanks," Emma replied with a pink hue on her cheekbones. She cursed herself in her mind for allowing herself to blush at a comment Regina made, but there was nothing she could do to change the red color on her face and it was evident Regina had noticed it.

Fortunately, Regina saved Emma from embarrassment for the second time that day, and she didn't go further into it. Instead, she cleared her throat and put her phone in her pocket.

"I think I'm going to do some grocery shopping. Do you need anything?" she asked and Emma shrugged.

"I don't think so.. uh.. oh, maybe a carrot cake?" she said with a serious tone. It was her favorite food and she couldn't ever get enough of it. Something Regina didn't appreciate at all.

"You're joking, right?" Regina asked, but Emma's confusion on her face, gave away that she wasn't joking at all. "Oh, I get it.. since sex is off the table, you find pleasure in eating disgusting pies. That's fine. I'll buy one for you. Do you need anything else?"

Emma shook her head and smiled. She knew Regina still couldn't even hear the word carrot cake, because she accidentally had yelled that during sex. Yes, that was probably the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her. That, and the time she'd refused sex to keep eating her pie. Regina liked to tell that story to everyone she knew as well.

"It's Wednesday, right?" Emma asked and nodded slowly. "Nope, I don't need anything. What are we going to eat for dinner?"


They were eating dinner in silence. Emma truly felt like they had absolutely nothing to talk about and Regina was desperately searching for a topic as well.

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