Chapter 18

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The two months had gone by much quicker than Emma had thought. She dragged herself through her daily routines and focused on her children and work as much as she could.

Ever since she was divorced, she started wishing that she had a more demanding job, like Regina. Working in the library was loads of fun and Emma got paid enough to take care of herself and the children, but it wasn't a tough job.

She sometimes wished she had a job in which she could totally get lost. One where she could focus on her job and not think or be bothered by anything else, because often when she worked in the library, her mind started wandering and she started thinking about things she really didn't want to think.

But, she and Regina had managed to stay nice to one another for two whole months. They hadn't spend extra time with each other either, but both Emma and Regina had started to drop the children off at their ex-partners house and not just wait for them in the car to safely arrive.

She'd met up with Regina early in the morning. Cora and Henry were thrilled to be watching Henry and Hope and Emma had even seen a flicker of excitement in her children's eyes when she told them Regina and she were going away again.

Emma had specifically told them that it didn't mean that they were getting back together, but Henry and Hope had told her that they were just glad they were getting along again.

So now, Regina and she were driving in her yellow bug. Regina never was very fond of the car and every time Emma looked aside, she saw the unsettled look on Regina's face.

"You look dissatisfied." They'd been driving for about ten minutes and Emma really wanted to start some sort of conversation.

"You know I dislike this vehicle. We should've just taken my car," Regina complained. It was one of the first things she'd said during the trip so far and Emma hoped the ambiance would get better during the weekend, otherwise she wasn't certain she'd survive.

She felt like both Regina and she had used to being together for more than two minutes again and they were both trying to find their place, especially after the last time they'd spent time alone, they'd both felt quite vulnerable.

"You survived it the first twelve years, I don't see why you can't now," Emma responded and flashed Regina a brief smile.

Regina didn't reply and the silence returned to the car. "So.." Emma said, "do we have any plans for the upcoming weekend?"

It was the second desperate attempt to start a conversation and she found that Regina seemed to appreciate it, but she wasn't certain.

"I don't have anything specific planned for us. I don't know if there's anything you'd like to do. The hotel is quite nice, from what I've seen. It's much different than the beach house, near the woods, but it still looked beautiful," Regina said and Emma noticed the hint of a smile on her lips.

Emma nodded slowly. "That sounds nice," she replied. "And we're just going to "evaluate" the past two months? Should we start now, or..?"

"We could. We can also wait for a more comfortable environment. I can barely hear you over the loud engine."

"Now you're just exaggerating."

"Yes, but that doesn't take away the fact that this car is like a death trap."

Emma rolled her eyes, but focused on the road ahead. "What's up with the cheeky attitude? Don't forget we still have to spend a weekend together and this was our initiative. That was progress, let's not go back to the first stages of our divorce."

The blonde could feel Regina look at her, but she kept her eyes solely on the road. "I'm sorry, I'm quite stressed. I actually have got a lot of work to do, that I can't really put off anymore."

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