Chapter 9

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To her surprise, Regina genuinely enjoyed talking to Mal. The woman was kind and interested. She had a great sense of humor and listened well.

She wasn't really attracted to her, though. Overall, Regina didn't want to sleep with anyone and she really didn't want to get into a relationship, but she enjoyed spending her night like this, and she did feel the slightest spark of chemistry.

Regina hadn't even noticed that she'd put her hand on Mal's knee, until the woman put her hand on top of it. They hadn't been talking for more than fifteen minutes, but Regina did notice herself thinking about kissing the woman.

It was silent between the two of them for a moment and Regina just looked at the woman. "If it's okay with you, I'd like to kiss you."

"That is okay with me," Regina said with a smile and stood up. She cupped the woman's cheek and closed her eyes as she brought their lips closer together.

"Regina!" Regina almost touched Mal's lips, but turned around to look at Emma, who had rudely interrupted their moment. "It's getting late, do you want to go home?"

Regina gritted her teeth and looked at Mal. "You have my number, right?"

The woman nodded with slight smile. "Maybe it's best if I go home, then. Hopefully we'll be able to meet again," Regina said and smiled before she turned to Emma and looked angry at the woman.

They left the bar and Regina looked at Emma beside her. "Why did you want to leave so fast? Weren't there any other guys you could screw in the bathroom?"

Emma rolled her eyes and looked aside to meet with Regina's brown orbs. "That something I'll never do again. That Graham guy came within five minutes. He clearly didn't know how to pleasure a woman, so I faked it," Emma said.

It seemed as though her mind was less intoxicated by the alcohol than twenty minutes earlier and Regina wondered how that was possible.

"After that, I didn't need another guy. Plus, they all looked lame as hell," Emma continued.

"And there weren't any interesting women?" Regina inquired. Frankly, she wouldn't have minded to stay just a few minutes longer. She hoped Mal would call her soon.

"How can any woman be interesting when I lost the most interesting one of all," she said with a serious tone. Regina knew that sober Emma never would've said that, so she took it as the truth.

"Are you.. talking about me?" Regina questioned and a soft chuckle escaped Emma's lips.

"I'm always talking about you."

Regina looked at Emma for a moment. "I think you've consumed too much alcohol," she eventually replied, not truly comprehending the words Emma was saying.

Emma giggled softly. "Probably," she responded with a soft sigh.


Regina woke up by the sound of the toilet flushing. She dug her head in her pillow, not wanting to wake up just yet. Especially, now that she knew what to expect when she'd wake up.

She was fairly certain that Emma was hungover and she wondered how much the blonde still remembered from the previous night. Emma had said some things that still confused her.

When the toilet flushed again, Regina figured she had to check up on Emma. Last night, she'd been glad to see that Emma could still take care of herself and that she didn't have to brush the blonde's teeth and change her clothes.

Regina opened the bedroom door and walked to the bathroom, which was near her own room. She found Emma brushing her teeth, probably to get the bad taste of vomit out of her mouth.

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