Chapter 23

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Emma pulled the blanket higher over Hope's body. The girl was tired, but still had excitement in her eyes. "I enjoyed tonight," she said softly. "We did well in Pictionary. Or maybe that was just because Henry sucks at drawing."

Despite not wanting to, Emma giggled. She stroked a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear and looked at the girl. "I liked it, too. I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. It was fun to play a game like that again," she admitted and Hope nodded agreed.

"Mom is still here, isn't she?" Hope questioned.

After dinner, the four of them had played several games. It was just like old times, when the family would have a free evening and cleared everything in their planning, so that they'd have time to spend the entire evening playing board games.

As it was Emma's turn to take care of the children this night, Emma had taken her children and five cats back to the apartment, but not before she'd convinced Regina to come along with them.

She'd enjoyed the night with the family together thoroughly and she didn't want to leave Regina alone. As much as Emma wasn't looking forward to sleeping in her bed alone this night, at least she had her children in her apartment. Regina was all alone in the big mansion, so Emma wanted to give Regina a great evening, and not just leave the mansion with Regina alone.

"Yes, she's still with Henry," Emma said and kissed Hope's forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie. I'm glad you enjoyed tonight."

Hope mumbled something inaudible and turned to her side with her eyes closed. Emma smiled and got up from the bed. She silently left the small bedroom and went to the bedroom next to Hope's. She knocked softly and entered the room, seeing Regina sitting by Henry's bed.

"Sleep well, honey," Regina said and turned her head around to look at Emma. Emma couldn't read the expression on Regina's face, due to the lack of light, but she imagined her smiling.

"Goodnight, Henry," Emma said as she walked closer to his bed. She kissed his cheek as Regina left the room to say a good night to Hope. "Sweet dreams," Emma whispered and she could see Henry smiling in the dim lights of the streets peeking under the curtains into the room.

"I'm glad we got one more night as a family," Henry said, before he closed his eyes and soft snores soon followed.

Emma closed Henry's bedroom door at the same time as Regina closed Hope's. "Thank you for letting me come with you," Regina said and smiled. "I really appreciate it."

"I would hate to be alone in my apartment right now, so I guess I understand how you'd have felt if we left you alone," Emma said and walked downstairs, followed by Regina.

She didn't want the evening to end, yet. She wanted Regina to stay for a bit and sit with her, talk with her, but she didn't know if that was what Regina wanted as well.

"I should probably go home," Regina said and Emma smiled vaguely, not wanting to show her disappointment. "I don't want to take away your calm evening with the children and I've got plenty of work to do."

"At this hour? That's gonna get pretty late, then. But uh.. good luck. I really enjoyed being with just the four of us without bickering again," Emma said. She tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear and looked deep into Regina's eyes.

She opened the door for her ex-wife and smiled sadly as Regina stepped outside. "I think we'll see each other soon enough. We shouldn't rush.. our friendship," Emma said, and Regina chuckled softly. "Good night, Regina."

"Good night, Swan."

Emma closed the door and leaned with her back against it. Her eyes were closed and she sighed softly as she let the memories of the evening replay in her mind.

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