Chapter 10

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"Rise and shine, dear," Regina said. She opened the curtains of Emma's bedroom and chuckled when she saw Emma's sleepy state.

The blonde groaned softly and put her pillow over her head. Her head didn't ache anymore, but she was dreading the dinner with Kathryn and Frederick.

The tray with empty dishes stood beside Emma's bed and Regina walked towards it. "You've got but an hour to make yourself ready, so I suggest you hurry. You really slept through the entire day."

She grabbed the tray and Emma slowly turned to meet Regina's gaze. "I need approximately five minutes to get dressed, so I'll use these fifty five minutes to my advantage."

Emma closed her eyes again, but Regina looked sternly at her. "Get up. Now." Regina's tone was stern and loud and Emma groaned again as she opened her eyes.

"I'll do anything for you if you let me get out of this one."

Regina shook her head.

"I'll let you have sex with me if you say to Kathryn that I couldn't make it."

Regina rolled her eyes and stepped away from Emma's bed. "No. You're coming."

"Sex wise or.."

"You're coming to dinner with me, Kathryn and Frederick and without complaining," Regina said.

Emma grumbled something inaudible and kicked the comforter off her legs. "Frankly, I'm a little insulted that you'd rather go to dinner with those boring people than have se.."

"You can stop this attitude, now. You can get dressed and meanwhile accept the fact that you and I are never having sex under any circumstances ever again."

Emma rolled her eyes, but got off the bed and smiled broadly at Regina. "Are you going to watch me change or are you going to leave?"

Regina didn't bother responding and left Emma's bedroom. She herself hadn't started dressing up either. If she were totally honest, she wasn't looking forward to the dinner either and she regretted planning it, but she refused to cancel the plans. Maybe it was still going to be fun.

She'd mostly brought casual clothes to their trip, but she'd brought some classy dresses. Regina chose a dark blue dress that reached up to her neck and went to just above her knees. She applied her make up in the bathroom and picked a pearl necklace and small earrings as accessories.

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she looked at herself in the mirror. She deemed herself dressed appropriate enough for Kathryn and her husband, so she left the bedroom and went to the living room.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you dressed up?" She looked at Emma, who was sitting on the couch. She was wearing an oversized hoodie and denim pants and her hair tie was trying to keep the messy bun together.

She looked adorable, but not appropriate for dinner. "What?" Emma innocently asked and looked at Regina. "I'm done. I even put on some lipstick and mascara. This is the best you'll see me today."

Regina wanted Emma to change, but they didn't have much time and they had to leave for the restaurant now. "How do you always manage to infuriate me?" Regina rhetorically asked and gestured Emma to come.

They left their beach house and started walking. The restaurant was nearby, so Regina had decided they'd walk.

"What did you do all day?" Emma inquired as they walked. She didn't like the silence between them and also didn't want Regina to be angry with her anymore.

She just didn't bother dressing up for Kathryn and Frederick. In the past, she'd never received a nice comment about her choice of clothing, so she figured it didn't matter how she'd dress.

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