Chapter 19

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She tucked one of her long, golden locks behind her ear and smiled sweetly. How Emma managed to put on a smile, while having such complicated feelings, was something Regina was not able to understand.

Regina's feelings were all over the place and she didn't know how long she'd be able to keep pushing them down. She didn't plan on telling Emma how she truly felt deep down, but she did need a way to get rid of her feelings and knowing the way Emma felt about her, didn't help.

She could just give in and tell Emma that she hadn't stopped thinking about Emma in the past two months, that more than ever she regretted screwing up their marriage and that she'd give anything to make their family whole again, but she knew it wouldn't work.

The entirety of the divorce had had a huge impact on Regina, in a negative way, and she didn't think she could handle such a breakup again.

Therefore, she figured, it was better for things to stay exactly the way they were.

They were eating lunch in a cute restaurant. Emma sat opposite Regina and so far not a lot had been said. Regina had thoroughly enjoyed the walk - the surroundings were beautiful - and now they were both appreciating their lunch.

"Are things with you and Killian officially over?" Regina asked. She had no idea if Emma had started dating again and she figured it wouldn't be of any harm to just ask.

"Oh, yes. Definitely," Emma said and chuckled softly. "I did recently run into him at the grocery store."

Regina automatically raised her eyebrows. She remembered Emma as being awful when it came to running into exes or people she used to date.

"How did that go?"

"Great. We had a mature and honest conversation and worked everything out. We decided not to continue dating anymore, though, but.."

"You can stop right here," Regina said and she felt a smirk creeping up her lips as she looked at Emma, who was so blatantly lying. She knew Emma better than this and she felt herself getting better at knowing when Emma was lying. "I don't believe a single word you just said."

Emma looked offended. "Why not? I, too, can have an honest and mature conversation."

Regina scoffed and chuckled. "Emma, dear, the first time you ran into me after the divorce, in the grocery store as well, you made a high-pitched noice, got everyone in the store to look at you and ducked behind the broccoli stand."

Emma swallowed and took a sip of her water. She cleared her throat and looked at Regina with red cheeks. "You saw me, huh?"

Regina laughed out loud and nodded. "Yes, it was hard to miss you. So, I don't believe that you had a casual conversation with Killian. How did it really go?"

Emma looked down in embarrassment and played with her fork. "He came up to me and.."


"And he greeted me, kindly, but I told him that I was Emma's identical twin Emmy and that I hadn't spoken to Emma in over five years, because of a feud that our parents were the cause of. Money issues, as well. We did use to be very close. We rode the bike together every day and played outside, but that I now never talk to her anymore."

Regina tried her best to hold back her laughter. If there was one thing Emma was horrible at, it was confrontation. And it showed.

"I refuse to believe he bought that story," Regina responded with a chuckle and Emma laughed along with her and shrugged.

"I think at this point he just wanted to believe it. I kept rambling and rambling about the cause of the feud between the imaginary twins. I think I scared him away."

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