Chapter 15

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"I'm so glad you could make it. The weather's absolutely horrible." Regina opened the door further and let her friend inside.

Mal smiled sweetly at her and looked around the beach house. "Nice place you got here. Is Emma here, as well?" Mal asked.

"Yes. She's in her room," Regina said and inhaled deeply. She'd barely seen Emma all day. The woman had hid in her room and she'd been nice to Regina, but Regina knew she was trying her best to keep her away.

They'd had a good talk the day before, but both women felt a little uncomfortable around the other now. Regina, because she hadn't told Emma that she still loved her too and Emma because she thought Regina found it awkward to be around her now, given that she'd confessed her feelings and Regina clearly didn't feel the same way.

"How are you two?" Mal asked and hung her coat on the coat rack as Regina led her further inside. The brunette gestured her to sit down at the table.

"Would you like something to drink?" Regina asked, ignoring Mal's question. The blonde raised her eyebrows briefly, but smiled.

"No, thank you. I'm quite alright," she responded, so Regina sat down as well, opposite Mal.

"I was just cooking lasagna. It won't be long until it's finished," Regina said with a smile. "So, how are you doing?"

Before Mal could respond, the door to the living room opened and Emma appeared with sleepy eyes, wearing sweatpants and a blouse that was fully open and showed her lace bralette.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry, I totally forgot we'd have company," Emma said with an awkward smile and looked at Mal. She grabbed a sweater that was hanging over a chair and quickly put it on.

She smiled broadly, avoided Regina's gaze and stared solely at Mal. "How are you?"

Emma had pushed away all her annoying, nagging thoughts of the day and tried to sound as happy as possible. She figured she'd at least give Mal a chance, because the woman did seem nice.

Regina had to keep herself from rolling her eyes, because she knew Emma was being fake and she hated that Emma was purposely avoiding looking at her.

The oven beeped and Regina stood up to take care of the food, so Emma sat down on her spot. "I've been doing quite alright. Just enjoying my few free days. How are you? Are things still on with you and that man from the bar?"

Emma scoffed and chuckled softly. "Oh no, that was uh.. quickly over. He wasn't really my type of guy."

Regina cringed when she remembered Emma making out with the man and she felt even worse when she remembered Emma telling her that she'd had sex with the man.

Though she knew she wasn't supposed to feel that way.

"Are there any people in your life?" Regina heard Emma ask and she prayed Emma wasn't going to say anything about her and Mal. Not that there was anything to say, but Emma was unpredictable in these situations.

"No, not really," Mal said with an uncomfortable laugh. Regina held the lasagna in her hands and set it down on the table.

She looked at Emma, who had taken her seat, but the woman didn't look back. Regina gritted her teeth and took place next to Mal.

"But how are things between you two?"

Regina looked at Emma again, hoping that Emma would finally acknowledge her presence, but again, Emma only looked at Mal. Regina didn't really know what she'd done to deserve this attitude and though she knew Emma well enough to know that the woman was only doing this because she was embarrassed, it still hurt.

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