Chapter 22

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"You're not angry?" Emma sounded genuinely surprised as she held the phone to her ear. Belle could be quite critical when she found it necessary and Emma really thought this would be the moment for Belle to show her concerns.

"Look, as long as you both feel like it works and have it figured out, I support it. I just want you to be happy and I know how happy Regina can make you when she's not fucking her secretary somewhere else."

Emma grabbed her suitcases from the back of her car. She'd just dropped Regina off at the mansion, and immediately after, she'd called Belle. Regina had promised to drop the children off after dinner, so Emma could take her time unpacking and the children could pack their things as well.

After their brief "disagreement", Regina and she hadn't done anything, but explore each other's bodies for a third time that weekend, until their lips were sore.

She didn't think she could ever get enough of Regina's body, and she still didn't. It was a strange form of addiction that whenever she was near Regina, she just wanted her lips against her own and her naked body against her own.

"Just make sure you handle things carefully. I'd hate to see you get hurt again. But if this is what you want, I'll support you both," Belle said and Emma smiled as she carries her luggage inside the apartment building.

"Thanks. That means a lot," Emma responded. "Do you.. think I'm being totally crazy here? Dating my ex-wife again?"

It stayed quiet for a while on the other side. Emma opened her door and inhaled the already familiar scent of her apartment. She often burned scented candles and incense, so it smelled quite sweet.

"No," Belle responded as Emma set down her bags. "I think that as long as you both remember the mistakes, but more importantly the solutions, of your marriage, it can work out. But you'll have to put a lot of effort in it and I don't think it's going to be as easy as it seems right now. I think that if you don't watch out, you'll fall back into your old habits again."

"Hm.." Emma responded as she thought of Belle's words. "Thank you. I think you're right. I suppose.. hold on- I got another call."

Emma answered the other call and put Belle on hold. "Hi?"

"Emma, hi. It's Regina. I was wondering, would you like to come eat here? I know it's probably against the "rules", but I'd like it very much, and I'm positive the children would appreciate it too."

Emma hesitated for a moment and swallowed. It was so easy to say yes, but would it be right? She had to act casual constantly and if her children were given any hints about their date, or them trying to work things out again, it could ruin it all. The children could end up hurt again.

But then again, if everything went casually and well, the children could say that they had made amends and they all could have this one more moment as a family.

"Yes, I'd like that. I'll be there in ten minutes, if that's okay?"

"That's perfect." Regina hung up the phone without saying anything more and Emma returned to her call with Belle.

"I'm so sorry, Regina called."

"What for?"

"She invited me over for dinner with her and the kids."

"And you said..?"

"Yes," Emma responded. "I didn't want to make too big a deal out of this and everything is under control," Emma quickly defended. She didn't want Belle to lash out on her.

Belle laughed softly. "Emma, you don't need to get so defensive. I think that as long as you've got it under control, it's good. Just remember, children are the most important people in a mother's life. You can't let them get hurt again."

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