Chapter 21

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There was a soft knock on their door. Regina saw her own confusion on her face as she was putting on her earring. As far as she was concerned, she and Emma didn't expect any company. They were going on a date, that was the only plan they had.

"Emma, could you get that?"

Regina didn't get a response, even after repeating the question, so she smoothed her dress and went to unlock their hotel room door herself.

She raised her eyebrows when she saw Emma. "So, nice and sexy it is," Emma said with a big smirk as her eyes wandered off to the cleavage that was on display. "I don't dislike what I see, madam mayor."

A red hue crept up on Regina's cheeks. She herself was stunned by Emma's gorgeousness as well. The blonde was wearing a somewhat long, light pink dress, that Regina didn't know she owned. Emma had straightened her hair and applied some light makeup.

Emma didn't look too chique, but also not too casual. She looked perfect.

"I'm here to pick you up for our date," Emma said with a sweet smile.

"I figured," Regina said. "I like that. I just have to grab my purse, then I'm ready to go. Come on in."

Emma stepped inside and watched Regina. She swallowed as the woman bent down to grab her purse. "Oh, I just called the kids," Emma said, trying to get her mind off Regina's astonishing figure. "They're doing great. They were more interested in knowing how we were doing than telling me about their own day, but they seem to have a lot of fun with your parents."

Regina turned around and smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. I wanted to call them, but work took over," she said with a sad tone. Regina hated when work got between her and her personal life. She always wanted to be there for her children, but she noticed even when they were at her house, she spent too much time working.

"Maybe tomorrow we can do something together?" Emma asked as they walked out of the room and locked their hotel room. "After all, this weekend was supposed to be without work."

"I never agreed upon that," Regina said and Emma looked at her. "I left most of the paperwork at home, I was just busy calling Ursula." Regina's tone was slightly defensive and reminded Emma of the nights that Regina used to come home late from work. "Therefore, I have finished about all the work I can do from here, so I'd love to fully spend the day with you tomorrow. I know that was the plan from the beginning."

Emma smiled slightly. They were met with a surprisingly warm, evening breeze and a dusky sky. "Let's first see how this date goes, though," Regina added after a moment of silence and she earned a playful bump on her shoulder from Emma.

They made their way to a cute restaurant in the town nearby and a waiter led them to their table. The restaurant was pretty dark, but was lit with warm, yellow lights. All the tables were covered with tablecloths in different, dark colors and variating patterns.

There were quite a few people enjoying their dinners and Emma looked curiously around to see what the food looked like, and she wasn't disappointed by what she saw.

She sat down and looked at Regina. "How is it, to have your first date after your divorce, with your ex-wife?" Emma asked teasingly and Regina chuckled.

"Well, I haven't had the desire to date anyone else," she responded truthfully.

"Too hung up on me, huh?"

"One might say that," Regina said with a chuckle and slowly shook her head. "Let's just.. not talk about the divorce tonight, okay? I don't.. it never brightens my mood."

"I know," Emma said. "What should we talk about, though?"

Regina stayed silent for a moment. She looked at the menu and read some of the meals, as she thought of a subject for their conversation. "Our future?" she eventually said.

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