Chapter 29

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Emma didn't live at Regina's, but she spent most of her days in the brunette's house, with her children. Their well organized schedule of at whose place the children were supposed to be wasn't used by either of them anymore. They actually stayed at Regina's all the time, because Emma did too.

Though now, Emma was having lunch with Belle. They hadn't really talked in quite some time, so they'd decided to meet up at Granny's.

Emma had gotten used to going to Granny's again, because she did like the atmosphere, despite Ruby working there.

"Hey," Emma said as Belle sat down in the booth opposite her. She smiled broadly at her friend. "How are you? How's Gideon? And Rob?"

Belle reciprocated the smile. "They're great. Everyone is doing well, actually," Belle said. She continued talking about Gideon and her husband Rob. Emma had always found Rob gave off a bit of a weird vibe, but overall he was nice and after a while, she saw how happy Rob Gold made Belle and how well they fit together.

"But how are you?" Belle asked. "You and Regina are still going strong? No disagreements?"

Emma smiled slightly. "We're.. back. It's just like how it used to be, but better. We talk much more and we mostly listen much more. The few disagreements we've had so far, we've all managed to work out easily."

Belle showed a genuine smile. "I'm so happy for you both," she said. "And how are the children with all this? You told me they only stay at her place now. Isn't that.. strange?"

Emma shrugged and shook her head no. "Regina and I really meant to take things slowly, but I'm practically living at her place already. There are just a few days when I'm home in a week and then I need to be home for work or something else that's important and on those occasions it's okay to have the children at Regina's."

It all sounded almost too good to be true, to Emma. How she and Regina had gone from fighting every time they saw each other, to realizing they only did it because they missed each other, that surprised Emma. But it was a good surprise.

She truly felt like it worked. They worked. Of course they put a little more effort in their relationship than they used to, but overall it came quite natural.

The children loved that they didn't have to move houses every week. They loved that they could just stay in their own, comfortable rooms without having to worry.

"I'm really glad you two are making this work," Belle said. Emma didn't notice a hint of scepticism in Belle's tone and she saw that her friend truly meant it.

Belle's belief in her relationship with Regina meant the world to her, because Belle always knew when to see the good in people. If Belle approved of someone, you could be certain they were truly good.

Emma continued talking with her friend way past lunch time. She realized just again how happy she was to call Belle her friend. The woman had always been there for her and she for Belle, when she'd needed Emma.

Though her mood had been impeccable the past few weeks, Emma felt even better after having talked to Belle.


Emma looked around. The gifts were nicely wrapped under the big Christmas tree and she heard Regina in the kitchen, preparing the last things for their Christmas Eve dinner.

Emma had offered Regina several times to help with cooking, but Regina had responded that the best way for Emma to help was to stay as far away from all the food before it was served as possible. She wanted to make sure the meal was entirely consistent of waffles and pudding.

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