Chapter 7

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"What the hell are you doing?" Emma squinted her eyes as she looked at the half naked woman that was walking through the living room. She yawned and tried to open her eyes further, but they had a hard time adjusting to the light.

"I wanted to go for a swim," Regina replied as she grabbed a towel. "In the sea. Do you want to come along?"

"Are you crazy? It's like five o'clock in the morning," Emma said and yawned again. She felt overly tired, though she'd gone to bed quite early the previous day.

She'd just been lying awake for quite some time, conflicted. She felt weird, being here with Regina, because it seemed oddly natural and that wasn't what she'd thought would happen, at all.

Emma had assumed she'd be fighting with Regina all the time, but they were here for half a day and a night, and Emma actually liked it so far.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, dear. It seems like you've quite lost your concept of time."

Emma's eyes were drawn to Regina's breasts, that were on perfect display as the woman was wearing nothing but her bikini. She grinned slightly as she remembered the times she'd untied that bikini with her teeth.

"Stop staring at my breasts and respond to my question. Do you want to come with me, or not?" Regina asked with a stern voice and Emma curtly nodded.

"Yes, yeah. Wait a second, I'll get dressed up."

Regina sighed, but smiled slightly as she watched Emma get back inside her room. She went back to her own room as well and put on a sundress over her bikini, covering up some skin.

When Emma got out the room, she was dressed in shorts and a tank top, which was see through, showing Regina the beautiful red bikini underneath.

"Aw, why did you put on a dress?" Emma teased with a pout on her lips and a chuckle. Regina rolled her eyes and gestured Emma to follow her.

They walked to the beach in silence, enjoying the sunny weather. It wasn't officially summer yet, but they were gifted with hot days in the beginning of June.

"The more time we spent here, the more I forgive your mother for pushing me to go here," Emma said as she enjoyed the sun tingling her skin. She counted on Regina for having brought the sunscreen, because she hadn't brought any. "I'm quite enjoying it."

"It's certainly more enjoyable than I thought it would be," Regina agreed and they approached the beach. Emma carefully stepped on the sand. She hated getting sand in her shoes and having to clean up grains of sand behind her wherever she'd go for the next week.

Regina looked somewhat annoyed at Emma as the woman slowly set her feet down, making sure she wouldn't be bothered by the sand.

"Emma, we're at the beach. If you don't like sand, you shouldn't have come here," Regina said, but Emma ignored her and continued planning out where she'd put her foot next.

The brunette beside her rolled her eyes in annoyance and bent down to grab a handful sand. She released it above Emma's shoes and clapped her hands together to wipe away the remaining sands on her hands.

"There you go. Now, there's no need to take three hours to walk on the beach. Let's go," Regina said, but Emma didn't move nor say anything.

She just looked at Regina in disbelief and then looked at her shoes. She groaned annoyed and followed Regina further on the beach, until they'd found a good spot to put their stuff.

There weren't many people in the beach, despite the warm air. A few were swimming in the sea and some children were building sandcastles.

"I take it you didn't bring any sunscreen and want to use mine?" Regina said as she retrieved a bottle from her bag. Emma nodded as she accepted the bottle from Regina.

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