(Lippa) She's more than her body

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This chapter is based on a sensitive topic.
Trigger warning: Sexual exploitation and mention of nudes.

Lin's POV
Pippa and I started dating exactly 3 months and 7 days back. Today we decided to just hang out in my house, it was Friday so we were ordering take out.

"Liiinnn" she whined as we entered my room, "Piiiippp" I mocked her. She gave me a look and I backed away with my hands in the air, chuckling. "Baby, I'm bored" she groaned, I smile and ask "How about we watch something and cuddle?" She looked pleased with it.

"Ok... as much as I love that idea, can we play board games?" I nodded and took out my LIFE box. It was our favorite game so it was a perfect choice.

Luz's POV (Lin's sister if you didn't know)
I laid down on my bed ready to talk to my boyfriend, it's been a long day and I just want to relax. I click his contact and start typing in.


Heyy baby

I just came home from practice

Just finished my homework

I'm kinda bored
Wanna do something fun?

Yea sure
What do you have in mind?

Well I would love to see your body😜

I'm not really ready for that

Oh come on
Do it for me, I won't send it to anyone

Baby no, sorry but just no.

Ughh why are you so annoying
I want to kill myself because of you!

Don't say that...
I love you...

If you love me you would send the pictures

It's not that I don't love you
I'm just not comfortable with that

So you don't trust me

I do...

Then send them

2 attachments sent

Tears were in my eyes as I looked back at the pictures of my exposed chest. Maybe I made a mistake... No! I can trust Justin. He would never betray me.

"Dinner's ready! Kids come down!" my mom screamed. I sighed, I wasn't really feeling too good after what just happened.

"Hey Luz.." I hear Phillipa's sweet voice fill my ears, she was honestly the only person I will let my brother date. But from the looks of it, Lin doesn't have eyes for anyone but her. It was cute.

"Hey Pip, how was it hanging out with this rat" Lin glared at me and Pippa just laughed. "It was ok" she joked, Lin fake gasped that let both of us into a fit of giggles.

~~~~Time skip- next day ~~~~

"Luz!!!! How long do you take to dress up???" Lin shouted from, "Give me a minute!" I heard him groan loudly. The bell rang, it was Pippa, she always came here in the morning. It was easier to get to school, plus she gets to spend time with her boyfriend.

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