(Lippa) heaven or hell- part 2

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Pippa's pov
I moved away from this, feeling a little insecure and asked  "So can I move in today?". He just smiled and nodded.

"Come in I have nothing to do today, well actually I have one class at 2, but other than that I'm free," he said as we walked into the apartment.

"Oh I'm Lin-Manuel by the way, but you can call me Lin," he said I nodded and said "I'm Phillipa but you can call me Pippa" he smiled and looked at me for a second before looking away.

"Alright, so what brings you here?" he asked as we sat on the couch, I winced because of the pain in my just increasing. "You alright?" I looked up into his eyes to see it flooded with concern.

"Yeah, it's all good..." I trailed off, "As to your first question...." should I tell him or not, you know what it's not gonna hurt, well maybe a little but it's fine.

"Yesterday my friends and I decided to have a sleepover so we could enjoy the moment the highlights would appear, my boyfriend, Steven was there too" I took a breath and continued as I stared at my twiddling thumbs.

"We ended up watching a bunch of Disney movies, it was late but not 12 yet so I didn't get my highlight. I ended up falling asleep only to wake up too....." tears started to brim my eyes and I started to shake a bit. Lin put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, I looked back into his eyes and it had something different in them, different from my parents, friends, and even my ex.

The look in his eyes made me feel safe and warmth filled my chest, that look gave me the boost to continue the dreadful story. "The floor..... Woke up to being thrown on the floor" a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Oh is that why-" I cut him off knowing he's referring to my back "Yup, I felt betrayed since Steven was the one who threw me, I trusted him with a lot and it just hurt. But not nearly as much as the look on his face. I felt filthy, he looked at me like I was trash, rotten...spoiled" I whispered the last part as a sob escaped my mouth.

This time Lin scooched closer to me and held my hand, it made me feel a bit better. The fact that a 'blue' was lending his time just to listen to my problems was weirdly comforting. Even though it's only been a few hours since I got the highlights my life was flipped upside down and it was overwhelming. Lin made me feel better because he didn't leave me for being a 'red' at least not yet.....

"They all started to leave but not before insulting me, each one of them Lin, it hurt there were 8 of them." the tears we're now freely falling, he started to rub his thumb in circular patterns on my hand and it helped me breathe a little better.

Once I had my breathing in check I continued "After that, I just went straight to bed, I just wanted to cry and let it all out, and I did. The bruise made it hard to sleep but I did it. I woke up, took a much-needed shower, got dressed, and walked downstairs to see a beautiful cake waiting for me. For a minute I completely forgot happened until...... (I'm lazy to write this so it's more like a flashback now, if you want you can skip the italics, since it's from the last chapter) as I walked towards them my mom walked towards me and said "You're a red...". I sighed and nodded tears building up in my eyes."No" that was my dad "I will not have a 'red' in my house " he continued.

I looked at him surprised "But dad-" I started but was interrupted by him saying "No, you have one day, tomorrow you should be packed and out the door, you get it?" he had an extremely firm tone, one that I've never heard before. "Yes," I stared at my feet with the tears now freely flowing down my face. I slowly looked at my mom and she had a look of pure disgust this just made me hurt more.

I let out a sob and asked "Can I get something to eat?"  I saw my dad slowly walk towards me. I started to move backward until the wall stopped me, my body crumpled to the floor as he slapped me hard and laughed "You think I'm gonna serve a 'red' in this house!? Get out!".......and that lead me here" I felt like a weight was lifted off of me. But that didn't stop the sobs from coming out.

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