(Oak x Carleigh) Identity thief??

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Third-person pov
Oak- Heys Carls!

Carleigh- Hey Oak!
Carleigh- whatcha doing?

Oak- Nothing much
Oak- but I've been thinking...

Carleigh- well that's a first 😂

Oak- Ha Ha very funny.
Oak- but really I've been thinking if we should meet up...

Carleigh- well it has been a year now...
Carleigh- so yea! I'm down.

Oak- that's great!
Oak- How's Saturday afternoon coffee sound???

Carleigh- Ooo sounds fun. Meet you there

After she sent that text, Oak left his phone on the counter and went to the washroom, his roommate, Victor, walked out to see that Oak's phone hadn't timed out yet.

So he grabbed the phone and read through his texts with Carleigh, he got an idea soon after reading the last text.

~~~~The day of the date~~~~

Carleigh was sitting at the table her legs bouncing up and down under the table. She was nervous, she'll admit that she had feelings for Oak, the guys a Saint.

They'd been talking online for over a year now, and Oak thought it was time for them to meet up. The only thing is that they both don't know how the other looks, and that's gonna be a problem.

As she was waiting she started to pinch her thigh, a thing she does when she's anxious, or nervous. It's been 20 minutes and he hadn't arrived yet.

She started to wonder if he stood her up, as she was thinking about that a tall dark-skinned man walked in. He was good looking with his short black hair and dark eyes, but something felt off.

He walked over to where she was sitting and asked "Hi, are you Carleigh?" she was so excited, she nodded, got up and hugged him tight.

There was still a little voice inside the back of her brain saying something was wrong, but she ignored it, she finally met the guys she's fallen for, she's not gonna mess this up.

"Yea! Hey Oak! I can't believe we're finally meeting! It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed excitedly. "It's good to see you too...."

Their conversation went on for about 30 minutes, and that little voice in her head wasn't so little anymore. Nothing "Oak" said was like him, it didn't match anything they talked about in their chats. It wasn't right...

"Hey I thought you were from Nigeria, I mean that's what you told me, did you lie to me? cause you look pretty Latino to me," she said getting uneasy about how different he is, not only physically but mentally too.

He was surprised when she asked that, he didn't know that Oak told her that so now he was in a difficult position. "Oh did I? I'm sorry I probably blacked out"

At this point Carleigh was very scared she was set on this not being him, so she said "I have to leave now, sorry I have to meet up with my uhm...brother".

He figured she was lying and stood up to stop her from leaving, he was determined to use her, and he was not gonna give up.

She was startled by that and started to walk back towards a different table. She started to panic and just sat next to a random person, that person being a tall hulk-like gentleman.

He saw her scared and panicked eyes, and he was immediately determined to protect this girl. But when he looked to see who made her this scared he saw someone he knew.

"Victor?" the person she sat with asked, Victor, looked surprised, like he knew the stranger, "Oak?" Victor asked. Carleigh was so confused, and kept on looking back and forth between Oak and Victor.

Victor backed away and was soon running out of the coffee shop. "I'm sorry about him, Victor can be a lot" Oak apologized, she nodded looking at him still stunned.

"Who may you be?" Oak asked curious as to how she was related to Victor, cause Victor isn't the type to be nice to girls, especially pretty girls like the one in front of him. "Uhm... I'm Carleigh..." she replied, still a little panicked.

"Carleigh??!?! As in Carls!!?!" Oak exclaimed excitedly. She nodded, not smiling just yet " It's me, Oak..." he said getting a little sad as she is not that happy to see him.

She sensed the sadness in his voice and then said "I'm scared... That guy, whoever he is, just told me his name is Oak. So how do I know you're Oak for real."

"Well, you can ask me anything we've talked about" he said, "Ok, uhm, name one of my friends..." she stated, her mind was blank she couldn't remember what she told him so she panicked.

"Well you have a bunch so I'll just name them... Sasha, Emmy, Phillipa, Renee, Jasmine oh and Betsey right?" he asked, she nodded with a small smile on her face, this was definitely him and he members all of her friends, which made her really happy.

"Thank God, now that I know it's you, WHO WAS THAT?!?!" she asked a little freaked, she then cleared her throat and repeated it in a softer tone "ahem... Sorry, who was that?".

"That's my roommate Victor, he moved in recently, how was he near you?" he asked looking concerned. "Well you texted me saying that you had plans on Saturday and could only meet on Friday.".

"No I didn't, see look at my phone." he stated, and then showed her their text history from his phone. "Well look at my phone." she showed her phone

Oak- that's great!
Oak- How's Saturday afternoon coffee sound???

Carleigh- Ooo sounds fun. Meet you there.

Ok- sorry I'm actually not free then, how about Friday?

Carleigh- yea no problem, see you then!

"That's impossible, I never typed that," he said, "Well then why is it on my phone?" she asked still scared and frankly a little annoyed.

"I mean after that last text I went to the washroom and left my phone on the counter, he probably found it before it timed out and did that. It's not my fault! Why are you getting annoyed at me?" he asked looking hurt.

She sighed and said "I believe you and I'm not annoyed, I'm just really scared, he looked like he was gonna hurt me, I'm sorry". He looked at her in the eyes and they felt a deep connection, with just this one look.

"Hey, hey, don't be sorry, it's not your fault it's mine. So how about I make it up to you and take you on an early date?" he asked trying to make her feel better. And she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to do it.

So she said "That'd be great, the worst is behind us anyway..." with a smile, she felt a lot more safe now, and when he held her hand both of them felt their faces heat up.

A/n. I'm so sorry this is a bad chapter HAM4HAMILTON123  I still hope you like it, even tho the ending is shit.

This is the second chapter of my triple update and I honestly hope y'all enjoy these chapters and the next one I'm a little more confident about, so... Yeah.

Anyway have a g'night or a g'morning wherever you are...

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