(Janthony) Love Suicide

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Jasmine's POV
I woke up to Anthony sweetly kissing my lips, my eyes locked onto his brown ones as we shared the first kiss of the morning. His eyes shut as he deepened the kiss, but I pulled away and said "Ant... I have early rehearsals, you know this" sadly cause I already miss the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

"I know... but we never get enough time together anymore, with you on this new show," he said with sad eyes, which made a wave of guilt to flow through me. "I'm sorry babe, how about I leave early today so we can spend more time together?" He smiled and nodded.

With the new show, I would come home at about 7 pm but I will make sure to get off at 3, so I can spend time with Anthony. He doesn't deserve to go through this. Scott will definitely understand cause he had to do this once or twice before as well.

I kissed Anthony one more time before getting up to going to the washroom, I quickly took a shower and changed into some leggings and a sweater. I went to the kitchen to grab an apple and was about leave, but was stopped when Anthony pulled me in for a long and sweet kiss. "What was that for?" I asked giggling, "I'm just happy you're taking time off," he said with a small grin.

I smiled and shook my head as I walked to the door, "Hey! Don't forget" I looked at him confused and asked, "Don't forget what?".

"That I love you" I blushed and said "I love you too", I walked out of our apartment with my cheeks burning.

I walked to my car and drove to the theatre, once I reached I went and talked to Scott immediately. "Hey Scott, I needed to ask you something, can I leave early? Like at 3?" I asked, he looked confused at first but then asked "For Anthony?" I nodded and he approved my early leave.

We rehearsed the choreography for a while and then the songs and soon enough it was 3 pm. I quickly left the theatre after saying bye to my new friends. I was in my car listening to music, just excited about what we might do with this much extra time.

Once I reached, I walked into the lobby greeted the security guard, and then went to the elevator, it was a weirdly slow ride up. I walked down the hall towards my door, when I reached it I heard weird sounds. I shrugged it off and unlocked the door but I used the wrong keys so I had to get the right one and change it. Once it was unlocked, I opened the door to see Anthony on top of some girl, they were making out and groping.

They were both half-naked, and I felt filthy, I felt disgusted not only because he was cheating on me but he didn't stop when I was inside. I cleared my throat which made him turn his head up, he looked surprised yet guilty but I swear I saw a small smile on his face when he saw me.

I wanted to puke but my throat was tied up, it didn't let words or the vomit out. The only thing that left my body was tears, they didn't stop falling. The girl wanted to go back to making out I could see it in her face, but Anthony told her to leave. She let out a huff, glared at me, and then left.

My throat finally let some audible sounds come out, they sounded like "W-who? W-why?". He just shook his head, and whispered "I forgot you were coming home early"

I took in a deep breath and then proceeded to shout "You forgot?! That's what you're gonna say?! Not sorry?! Not that I would forgive you..." I was happy I found my voice because this cannot be swept aside. I didn't feel like wiping my tears, they felt heavy on my face they needed to fall.

"Jazzy just hear me out, I was so alone, every day you would leave early and come home late, I was lonely" he pathetically explained. "I- You didn't think to talk to me about it, like this morning, if you told me I would change my timings somehow, I would make time for you. But you decided getting a fucking side chick was better?! Anthony we are fucking engaged!! Why couldn't you tell me?!" I screamed back.

"Jas you wouldn't understand..."

Now I was fuming, "I don't understand? You know what? Your right, I don't. I don't think I ever will understand. But this is what you are gonna do ok? You're gonna go inside and pack your things and leave. Got it? Did you understand?" I didn't get him, he looked at me with puppy eyes, but right now those eyes won't work and I don't think they ever will.

"Jas-" I cut him off, "That's Jasmine for you.", he sighed and continued what he was gonna say "Ok, Jasmine, please, where will I stay? Don't you care about me?".

I raised my eyebrow at that bullshit that he just said, "Care? I did care about you. But not anymore, I don't want to see your face anymore. Now pack up and leave." I growled, the audacity of this man.

He sadly walked in and packed up his stuff, about 30 minutes later he came out with a suitcase and said "I'll come for the rest later" I nodded, even though his things would be in the dumpster once he leaves, I just don't have the strength to talk right now.

He walked out without a word, no tears, no remorse. I locked the door and broke down, I fell to the floor, my knees were weak, I sat there crying for about an hour. When I finally started to breathe steadily I looked at my hands, I slowly pulled the ring out and stared at it, the tips of my fingers turned yellow as I gripped the ring.

My tears didn't stop, I screamed as I threw the ring across the room, "He didn't even say sorry... he didn't even..." I whispered as the sobs left my shaking body.

I needed to calm down, I grabbed my phone and started a random playlist on it, and one of my favorite songs started to play, but the words... the words meant something this time.

There is no way he could've forgotten that I was coming home. It's like he wanted me to see...

You did it on purpose, purpose
You did it on purpose, purpose

I felt like nothing, like everything I knew fell apart, I felt... worthless...

You made me feel worthless, worthless
Why would you hurt us, hurt us, oh, oh

He didn't give me a reason. I just want to know why? Why did he do that? Why did he kill what we had?

Tell me the reason why.
You committed love suicide
Think you want our love to die...

Anthony, Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? I'm going to end up crying my eyes dry for this.

You did it on purpose
I'm all out of tears
Tell me to get out of here
You made it very clear...

I used the wrong key, there was enough time to hide her... It's like he wanted me to see...

You did it on purpose, purpose
You did it on purpose, purpose

Why did you think we couldn't work this out? Why did you break us apart like this?

You made me feel worthless, worthless
Why would you hurt us, hurt us

I've never felt more connected to a song in my whole life.

A/n: Heyya guys! I asked y'all what ship to use in a sad one shot, and many of you guys suggested Janthony. So here it is. I loved the song and I wanted to use it in one of my stories, so I hope this turned out well, and I hope you guys liked it.

Also please give me a ship to write for next. I haven't been getting any requests, so I just did Lippa and Linessa.

Anyways, have g' morning or g' night wherever you are... I love you guys...

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