(Alysha x oak) Brother's best friend

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Trigger warning!!! There is some taking 'advantage of' stuff...

Alysha's pov
I was just chilling in my room when I heard my brother walk in the house with his loud ass friends. His names Derek (I was not in the mood to search about her fam, so I just made him up), he is really annoying. Derek never lets me hang out with his friends cause he's a year older to me.

So I'm automatically not allowed anywhere near him around his friends, because I'm so not cool, we'll according to him.

I don't care about his stupid rules cause all of his friends are useless... Well except one. Derek's best friend, Oak, is so cute and sweet, Im always trying to impress him, but how can I when Derek is always pushing me out of the room.

Ughhhh, I just have to figure out a way to go in front of him and maybe show myself off a bit. I walked to my closet and grabbed some black boy shorts and a tight purple tank top. That should grab his attention, Oak is 18 and I'm 17, the age difference just makes him hotter to me.

I walked to the kitchen trying to act oblivious to the fact that all of his friends were starting at my body. Ugh, disgusting, the only person I wanted looking at me was Oak, and he's staring at his phone.

None of my plans ever work out, I sat on the kitchen counter staring at my phone and chewing gum, hoping something would happen.

What the fuck was I expecting, Oak to walk up to me and ask me out. Ughh sometimes I disgust myself.

Derek then spoke up, "Goddammit, Alysha, get out!" I just stared at him for a second and then looked at my phone. I heard him do his dramatic sigh and then speak up again "Fine you can stay now but in an hour more of my friends are coming over, it's gonna be a party, that's when you leave. Got it?"

I didn't look at him I just nodded, "SAY IT, say you'll leave when my friends come".

I turned the chair around and looked at him dead in the eye and said "Fine, I'll leave when you're stupid friends come home. You know I can call mom and dad about this right?" while raising one of my eyebrows.

When I was glaring at my brother I noticed Oak look at me with a smirk. I knew it wouldn't take long for my cheeks to turn red so I immediately turned around and walked to my room.

I dropped my body onto my bed and smiled, I let the blush flow to my cheeks. Oak looked at me... Even though I only saw it through my peripheral vision, I knew he was looking at me.

I felt light, happy, giddy but I knew it didn't mean he liked me, I bet he didn't even care about me.

I just decided to pass my time by watching something on Netflix since I had no other work. A few hours passed by and I heard a bunch of voices outside the house.

When I looked outside my window I saw a bunch of girls and boys walking towards our house. I sighed, another party, that means more drinks and more making out and more people walking into my room to have sex.

I hated the parties my brother threw, they are so movie-like. Once I found a bunch of kids smoking weed in my parent's bedroom. They're a mess no doubt, but I never sold my brother out for this, since it made great blackmail.

Music was blaring through all the rooms, not good music, it's the music crack heads listen to when they are getting high. (no offense to people who like that kind of music, this is just for the chapter)

I put my headphones on and tried to drown the music out, but it's nearly impossible without bursting my eardrums. I somehow spent 3 hours in my room doing nothing but homework cause my ears can't handle the volume I need to drown their trashy music.

I got hungry, and a little thirsty I'm only human so I decided to walk down and grab some food while Derek wouldn't be looking.

I opened my door and walked down the stairs slowly, once I entered the kitchen it was pretty deserted compared to the backyard and our front porch.

I made a quick sandwich and grabbed a juice bottle from the fridge, I started to tiptoe back to my room. I reached the door of my room, as I reached for the doorknob, I felt someone roughly grab my waist, turn me around and then proceed to kiss me forcefully.

I tried to push the guy away but he was too strong, I whimpered under his immense pressure on my body. He reached out for the doorknob of my room door, and I knew where this person wanted to do, I had no intentions on doing those things though.

I held on to my snacks, I was too scared to let them fall. The guy was pushing me onto my bed now, the door closed but not locked.

Oak's pov
"Hey Oak, can you go check on my sister?" he asked as he was pulled away by some older looking guys. I sighed and nodded, Derek needs to get himself together, he drinks and smokes. I always tell him to stop, that it's not gonna end well for him like this, but he never listens.

I walked up the stairs and heard a lot of disturbing noises but one that stuck out was the screaming, it sounded so much like...

Oh no, I ran to Alysha's room and opened the door to see her struggling against the grip of what looks like a 20-year-old guy.

I rushed towards her bed and punched his face, he fell passed her. I glanced at her to see her in tears, I made a mental note to come back to her and make her feel better, but first to take care of this guy.

When I looked at him, he was knocked out cold, probably because he was drunk. I just shook my head, picked him up and took his passed out body downstairs.

I walked back to her room and saw her in the corner of her bed, knees to her chest, and tears flowing down her face.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards her, she looked up for a second and I saw her eyes filled with tears. I sat on the bed next to her and reached for her shoulder, she picked her head back up and stared at me and then proceeded to sob.

I pulled her into a hug, and we sat there for a while with her just sobbing into my arms. Once she was getting a bit better I pulled away and gave her the juice bottle.

She gratefully accepted and drank about half of the bottle, clearly tired from the extremely traumatizing incident. She then grabbed her sandwich and started to nibble on it.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't like her, but I made a deal in my head, I can have feelings for her now and not do anything. But once she turns 18, legal age, I'll ask her out, I want this to be officially and well, legal.

Once she was done, I pulled her back into one last hug, I slightly moved so I could kiss her forehead, then I got up and started to leave but was stopped when she said something.

"I'm happy." she stated, I was confused "Happy? Why are you happy?" I asked, curious. Then she said something I didnt know how to answer.

"Because now I know you care, I don't need to lose sleep over that anymore..."

A/n Was that a good chapter? Idk. But this chapter is for Hamilfan123123  , so I hoped you enjoyed this.

Also I'm sorry this isn't a very long chapter, I was trying to upload three diff chapters at the same time, so it would be a triple update. But that didn't let me write good long chapters, so I hope these are fine.

Also 1K VIEWS?!?!?!?! THANK YOU SOO MUCH🥺🥰❤️. Also I was not very sure if I should've ever started writing in the first place, and I thought I made a mistake, but you guys proved me wrong. I never imagined getting this many views, it's amazing and thank you.

Anyway have a g'morning or g'night wherever you are.

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