(Demmy- Janthony) You cheated???

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A/n This is weird for me (Javeed), but I'm doing this for my friends HAM4HAMILTON123 and Hamilfan123123  ok now I hope you enjoy. Also warning, there is Lippa in this.

Daveed's pov
I woke up with the sound of Jasmine screaming on the top of her lungs in the shower. Don't get me wrong I love her voice but first thing in the morning, she's not singing, she's screaming..... Trust me their not the same.

I chuckled and just fell back onto the bed, I grabbed my phone and saw that we have plenty of time till we have to leave.

Jasmine came out with a sports bra on and a towel wrapped around her waist, she looked beautiful. She saw me look at her and said "You're awake!!!" she walked over to me, and I propped myself on my elbows as she leaned down to kiss me.

We both smiled into the kiss, she then looked into my eyes long and deep before whispering "Go brush, your mouth stinks..." with a smirk.

I just laughed and pulled her onto the bed and kissed her, she happily complied, I pulled away just as she was deepening it and said "Well you seem to enjoy it.." I got off the bed and walked into the washroom with a smirk.

Today we would have the first Hamilton rehearsal, my buddy Lin asked if I could do the part for him, naturally, I told him I would only help him if he paid me. This was a running joke for us since we were broke as shit back then, I still am.

Once I was done taking a shower and brushing my teeth I walked out of the washroom with my towel wrapped around my waist.

I got dressed and walked to the kitchen where I saw Jasmine eating cereal, I smiled at her and walked to the pantry and grabbed some fruity pebbles (ok but why do I love this cereal so much). We both started talking about random stuff while eating.

We decided to watch some Netflix while we waited for the right time to dress up. I put on 'Silicon Valley' and cozied up next to her.

After about an hour I realized that she seemed off.... like something was distracting her, she kept on looking at her phone with sneaky smiles. I didn't question it cause I don't want to be invading her personal space, plus I knew everybody needed some privacy at times, so I didn't bother much.

About 30 minutes before 1 PM we started to dress up, me in shorts and an Oakland t-shirt and Jasmine in dark green shorts and a plain blacktop. She left the house saying she would be waiting in the car, so I switched off all the lights, walked out the door, and locked it behind me.

When the car came into my view I saw Jasmine talking to someone and laughing a lot, it made me smile until she quickly cut the call when she saw me.

It was suspicious, but I trusted Jasmine, a 1-year relationship is no joke, especially to me. I sat in the driver's seat and gave her a smile while asking "Who was that?", she looked panicked but then answered with "Phillipa!". I knew Phillipa was one of the other Schuyler sisters but I could've sworn they hadn't met yet. Everyone got the cast list, so I knew most of the names but I haven't met anyone other than Jasmine, Lin, Chris, Tommy, and Alex.

Once we reached the theatre we walked in together I tried to hold Jasmine's hand but she didn't let me, that hurt me a bit..... did I do something wrong? My frown turned upside down almost immediately when I saw Lin and Chris, both old buddies of mine. I immediately ran to Chris and jumped on him, he caught me like how he always did.

We started to catch up on a lot the stuff we missed out, I also caught Lin stare at this girl with pale skin, long brown hair and brown eyes. "You like her, don't you?" I asked, Chris smirked when I said this, Lin became a bright red which further confirmed my thoughts. "That's Phillipa, Lin can't stop talking, thinking or looking at her," Cris said with the biggest smirk.

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