(Linessa) Long wait

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A/n: I know this isn't hamilcast, but I just wanted to put a Linessa chapter up cause they cute. I kinda went nuts in this chapter...
Also they aren't 2 years apart in this, they're the same age.

Vanessa's pov
Kacey and a bunch of our other friends walked together to class, Kacey and I have AP history now, the others are just going to the class that was  ahead of mine which was English.

My friends aren't the smartest, cause I'm in the popular group, most of them were just plain dumb. But Kacey and I are the smartest, most of our classes were AP classes.

As we were walking, a skinny boy bumped into me, he fell along with my books and his. I knelt down and started to help him pick up my books, he looked up and parted his lips to apologize but was just frozen.

I was confused, why is he looking at me like that, why am I feeling something in my stomach, I'm probably hungry.

"Sorry, I- I didn't mean to do that..." he finally said, as he handed over my books. I shrugged and said "It's alright", he smiled at me and then walked away, he has a cute smile.

I heard the girls talk about the 'little accident', they kept on saying things like
"Ew, that boy is so disgusting"
"He definitely has a crush on me"
"He's so ugly, he has no right even touching one of us"

I felt bad for the guy, and I kinda found him cute. He had dark eyes and dark hair, I've never noticed him before but I don't think I'll be able to forget him.

"Ooo you like him don't you?" Kacey asked in a whisper, I felt my face heat up at the statement. "No!" I said defensively, she just chuckled now, as we separated from the other girls and entered our class.

I sat on my seat which was fortunately next to Kacey, I opened my binder to find my homework popping out. But something caught my eye, it was a bundle of paper behind my binder. I took them out to see some crazy handwriting, but I could read it. I knew it was his and I found his name scrawled on top of the page. Lin-Manuel Miranda

When I started to read it, I couldn't stop, there were a bunch of pages but it didn't stop me. The content was amazing, it rhymed and had so much meaning and it was just amazing penmanship. This is the start of my crush on Lin.

After that incident, I would see him everywhere- butterfly effect- I would see him in between classes and sometimes he would walk into my class but only to talk to the teacher, they would joke around and then talk about the thing he came in for and leave right after.

At lunch, I would sit with my friends but I couldn't help but look at the table where he sat. He was laughing at something and then just randomly started dancing and singing, it made me smile and giggle. Only Kacey ever noticed that I liked him, and she always teased me.

I never really gave those sheets back, for some reason every time I was stressed, I would read them and his words would calm me. Not once had his words not relaxed me. This was just a child crush I'll get over it...

~~~~years later (before ham went to b'way)~~~~

Vanessa's pov
I sighed tired from my case, being an attorney is no joke, it's tiring. I walked into my apartment that I shared with my best friend Kacey, she is a scientist.

We actually studied for that together, once we both got jobs she loved it but I found interest in law. So I went to law school and now I work like a donkey.

Kacey was sprawled on the couch tired from her day, I looked at her and smiled as I shook my head. She could at least sleep on her bed.

I went to my room and stripped out of my formal attire, I decided a hot shower would really relax my tense muscles.

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