(Demmy- janthony) A B U S E

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Trigger warning!!! It' not much but still...

Jasmine, Anthony, and Emmy worked in the same company, they are really close to one another. Emmy gets abused by her boyfriend Ethan Mellow, she told Jazzy about it but told her it was only a 'phase'.

Jazzy's POV
Anthony and I went home after a long day of work. "Babe what movie do you wanna watch?"Ant asked, while I changed out of the formal attire I was in. "How about 'Mary Poppins Returns?" I asked, he got the movie ready and I then waited as he went to change.

Once we were ready to relax and watch the movie somebody rang the bell. I sighed and tried to get up, keyword 'tried', Ant pulled me back on the couch and started the movie. But then we heard a knock again, I sighed once more "Ant just go open the door" I said. He sighed but obeyed my orders.

When he opened the door I heard a familiar voice, I then heard Ant ask excitedly  "Daveed it's been a while, what 2 months?". I then ran to the door and screamed his name while I jumped to hug him "JAZZY" he screamed back as he chuckled. 

"Dave what brings ya here?" I asked with a smile as we let him inside. "Well I was free and I hadn't seen you guys in a while, so I came by, I hope you don't mind," he said with a slight smile.

"Of course we don't" Ant said as he patted Daveed's shoulder.

We sat on the couch, as Daveed asked "So how are you guys doing? It's been a year now right?". "yep, best year ever" we said weirdly synchronized, Daveed chuckled at that and said " God, I hate being single"

I frowned when he said that "what happened to Jalene?" Ant asked, and I saw his eyes tear up. "Sh...she cheated on me," he said slowly, he quickly wiped the tear before they fell and then said "but it's fine, I'm over her, our 4-year relationship just meant nothing that's it. I'm sorry I'm rambling uhm.....yea"

I looked at Ant and then looked back at Dave and said "I honestly always hated her, she treated you like nothing when you were treating her like a princess, it's just not fair"

And then Anthony finally contributed to the conversation to say "Yea man, she was a bitch forget about her" this seemed to get Daveed to laugh. Then I asked him a question might be the wrong time but it was important for me to know.

"When did you break up with her?" and he replied saying "2 weeks, and I'm honestly fine it just kinda struck a bad memory that's it." I smiled while Ant said "Well that's great".

We continued talking for maybe ten minutes, but was then interrupted with a phone call from Emmy.
"Hey Em, what's up?" I said as I answered the call.

I heard sniffling so I got concerned and asked "What's wrong?" she stuttered as she whispered through the phone "J.....Jaz....he went too far, I...I'm scared out of my m.....mind, pl..please c....call the police"

I quickly responded with "Em, don't worry I'll come and get you, please get away from him, ok?". I then heard a man's voice, couldn't make out what he said but I knew it was Ethan, so she whispered back quickly "ok, I got to go".

I told Anthony about what happened and we were already on our way to her house. I directed him to Emmy's house as I called the police. "Hello? My name is Jasmine and my friend is getting abused and we need your help", the operator quickly responded "physically or mentally?".

"DOES IT MATTER?!?!?!?" I stated, "Alright, please tell me the address" the operator said, and I told the location immediately. She told me to hold tight and wait, it would roughly be 10 minutes.

Once the call was over Anthony had parked the car. We both walked to the window to see Ethan ripping Emmy's clothes off as she was cornered. I squeezed Anthony's hand as he whispered "Its gonna be ok Jazzy".

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