(Linessa) First Time

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Vanessa's pov

I sat in the crowd of the pub along with Renee, Pippa, Chris, Jazzy, Daveed, Emmy and Alex. All of us were waiting for the next singer to come on stage.

Lin and I recently got to know that I was pregnant and he wanted to perform a new song he wrote. Our whole friend group was here to support him, and as his wife, I wouldn't miss this for the world.

He walked onto the stage and sat on the stool that was placed behind the keyboard. We were all super excited because Lin's song got released and got a crazy amount of listens.

After that he got signed with a label and now here we are. Lin's last performance in the pub it all started in.

Pippa looked at me excitedly, "Have you heard the song yet?" I shook my head no. Before I had the chance to reply Lin started speaking.

"Hello hello hello, it's me again! This is gonna be my last performance here..." he started to tear up.

A bunch of the employees and regulars cheered for him.

"I will always love this place because I built my life here. I found my perfect woman, I finally, finally got signed and well I made a bunch of life long friends."

He wiped his tears with the pad of his palm. I grinned at what he said about me as Pippa and Ren nudged from the side teasing about it.

"This song... Well I wrote this a few days ago. It means a lot to me. Pippa and Chris are the only two who have heard it so don't spoil it for her." I cocked my eyebrow at them and both of them shrugged, a smile playing on both of their faces.

I look back at Lin as he continues talking. "The first few lines are just me being a little cocky..." he chuckles "Anyways here it goes". He started playing the first few notes of the song.

"I thought it'd feel different playing Wembley
Eighty thousand singing with me
It's what I've been chasing 'cause this is the dream"

He laughed at his lines making people chuckle along.

"When it was all over, I cleared out the room
Grabbed a couple beers, just me and you
Then we start talking the way that we do"

He looked me in the eyes when he sang 'you'. I remember when he got that call that he was getting signed. He was so happy he cleared up the clutter on our couch and we just sat with a few beers. What happened after that was what led us to my growing belly.

"Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man?
Little moments that pass us by
Oh, but I remember"

He smiled softly at the keys as he sang those words.

"The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry"

He looked back at me as he sang the chorus. I think back to our first kiss. We were just 19 in the playground at about midnight. We were looking up at the sky but I felt him looking at me so I looked back at him.

"Hi" I whisper to him teasingly. "Hey" he whispered back clearly awestruck by something.

"You ok?" I cocked my head to the side. "Yea, yea I'm fine..." he continued looking into my eyes and then around my face. "...you just look so beautiful".

I felt my cheeks get warm as he said that, he grinned when he noticed he got me to blush.

We both didn't speak a word after this, just looked at the other's face as we slowly leaned into a soft and sweet kiss. As we pulled away, I opened my eyes and saw his eyes closed and a smile displayed on his lips, I smiled looking at his cute face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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