(Lippa- Grofflin) Angelica situation

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Third persons pov
Phillipa and Lin have been best friends ever since they had laid eyes on each other in the 1st grade. These two 5-year-olds met when Lin moved into the house next to hers.

Their bedroom windows faced each other, and there was a tree right in the middle. Perfect for climbing right into the other room, they did it a lot.

After school the two would always hang out with each other, their parents knew they were super close but they didn't know they could climb into each other's room. Lin and Pippa wanted that to be their secret.

They spent more time in Phillipa's room, usually they just did their homework together and then geek out about musicals. The two were perfect for each other, and when they were 10 Pippa knew it.

It didn't take long for Pippa to realize that she was madly in love with her best friend. He was everything she dreamt about, he had dreamy eyes, soft hair, he's got the smarts, they liked the same things, they were not too similar but not too different either. They were perfect for each other.

She was devasted and crying all day when her dog, Billie died, and Lin was always there for her, brushing his fingers through her hair, making sure she ate, stayed hydrated, and slept. He was her rock.

When they were 12 something extremely surprising happened


Lin walked into his room with wide eyes, still surprised with what happened in his drama club. He needed to talk to his best friend, so he locked his bedroom door, dropped his backpack on the floor near the foot of his bed, and then proceeded to climb outside of his room window and onto the thick tree branch that joined their rooms.

He knocked on her window hoping she was free to talk, she was sitting on her bed and reading a book. So when she heard the knock she didn't look back but showed a sign with her hand that the two had made to tell the other to come in or not.

He sighed a little relieved but still had something he needed to get off his chest, it might spoil their relationship but he needed to tell her.

"Hey pip," he said as he slid through the window frame, she smiled but when she looked up at him she saw that he was nervous and a little sad. They could read each other like a book, "What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

"Uhm... I have something to tell you, you might not like me after I tell you this, but I need to, cause after what happened in drama today I realized that..."
She started to think of what all he must have realized. Maybe that he was in love with her as well.

"I'm bi... " he said bellow a whisper, but she still heard it. Her heart broke a little, she had no problem with his sexuality, she was just hoping that he liked her too.

Since she was a little disappointed at that moment she didn't show any emotion on her face. So naturally, Lin thought he lost his best friend, "You don't want to be my friend anymore do you?" he asked sadly.

She was surprised he even thought that "What? No, no, Lin I don't care if you're bi, I still love you" she said, he smiled and hugged her and whispered "I love you too" but she couldn't help but feel a pit form in her stomach. Because for some reason she knew he only meant that as a friend.

They pulled away from the hug and Pippa asked "So did you tell your parents yet?", he shook his head saying no. "Pip, I'm scared, I don't think I can tell them yet", she nodded, and then remembered something.

"How did you figure it out?" she asked, mainly thinking about the drama club. "Oh, well we were just practicing and Jacob was there you know-" she nodded for him to continue "well I thought he was really cute, but I didn't think I was bi, until...." he trailed off, "Until what?" she asked.

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