(Lippa) Who runs the world

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Pippa's POV
I walked into the theatre 10 minutes after Lin entered, I saw him sitting next to Alex. I winked at him and went into my dressing room to find all the girls gathered there.

"Hey girls... what are you guys doing here?" I asked confused, they looked at me and squealed "The costumes are here!!!" I laughed cause Lin told me about this last night and I already got my screaming out. From him telling me that and then the events after... but let's not talk about that.

"Aren't you excited?" Renee asked, "I am, it's just really fun watching you guys" she laughed at that. I dropped my bag near the couch and sat on Emmy, I was too tired to stand and there were no more seats left.

We talked about how we hoped our costumes would be until Chris walked in and told us to get ready. Today we were just trying on our costumes and dancing to make sure the size is right and other things relating to Tommy (not sure if this is a real thing).

We decided on not warming up as it would waste time. The girls went to their dressing rooms to change, leaving Jasmine, Renee, and I alone. We took our dresses and started putting on our corsets, that took some time. Once we put the corset and the beige dress on we made our way to the stage where everyone was gathering.

We were all waiting for Tommy to tell us what to do but until then we all talked on stage. Although I couldn't get enough of how cute Lin looked in the brown coat and ponytail. I had to look away before someone caught me, we wanted to be a secret for more time.

After about 15 minutes Tommy made us do certain scenes to make sure everything was perfect. We continued this until we finished all of the Act 1 costumes, after which all the girl removed their main dresses and came to our dressing room in their corsets.

"I'm playing music!" Carliegh exclaimed before anyone else could. She started to play songs that we used to listen to as kids and I loved it but then a particular song started 'Runs the World'.

It's one of my favorite songs so naturally, Renee, Jazzy, and I started to sing and dance along (you should all know the video I'm talking about, if not I'll put the link to it in my announcements).

"Omg Lin would die if he saw you dance  like that!" Jazzy exclaimed, "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "He's basically in love with you" she laughs, "with the little glances and the heart eyes, the man wants to marry you!" Ariana continued.

I blushed nobody knew we were dating and I was hoping none of them saw me blush. "Oh please, you're probably exaggerating. There's no way he would like me" I lied hoping it would throw them off. "Pippa trust me he likes you... a lot" commented Emmy, now that got me curious.

"What do you mean by that?" She told Betsy to close the door so we could talk in private. "So this is what happened..."

~~~~Flashback to bar night~~~~
Emmy's POV

The whole cast decided to go out for drinks, there was no special reason we just wanted to drink. Everyone wanted to freshen up cause we were all sweaty after rehearsals.

"Hey Em, let's go," Ariana said as I finished packing up, we lived in the same building so we always commuted together.

"Okayyy..." I replied happily carrying my bag outside the room.

When we reached the building, we decided to meet up after a shower so we could get ready together. That took about 30 minutes, after which Ariana came over with a few dresses and her makeup pouch so we could start.

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