(Demmy) 5 months ago

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Emmy's pov
I saw Daveed talking to Oak on one of the benches in the park, I was about to just walk by when I heard Oak say "Come on dude, just tell me who you like already!". After he said that I hid behind the tree right next to the bench, wanting to know more.

I really like Daveed, ever since we became roommates, I saw a side of him I've never seen before (they were friends before he moved in), he's so sweet and considerate and damn that boy has abs for days...

Anyways, I've liked him for a while now and I've not had the guts to tell him about it. I mean a guy like him liking me is nearly impossible, there were guys at my high school that would ask me out and then stand me up, for fun. Even guys in my university did it.

After that I kind of just stopped saying yes to anything, it isn't easy. I'm 26 and I still haven't had my first kiss yet, I guess I'm just the type of girl that guys want to mess around with.

And now here I am, hiding behind a tree, eavesdropping to figure out who his crush is. It's not the best idea to do this, cause I can get caught, but it's like my body had a mind of its own, it didn't let me move.

I must've been spaced out for a while because when I got back into my senses I heard Daveed say "I just can't stop thinking about her, she's so smart and funny and cute and-" he listed, but he was then cut off by Oak saying "Dude, you're clearly head over heels for her, you need to ask her out.".

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can't she would never go for a guy like me..." he replied, as soon as he said that all of my hopes were gone. If he thinks the girl is that great, it could never be me. I quietly sighed and got up from the place I've been hiding in.

I walked behind them, so they don't know I was ever there. I glanced back at them to see them talking and Daveed looking stressed, I turned back and walked to our apartment, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

Why did I even think he would be into me? I mean I'm a waste of life, people have only ever messed with me. I never had any real friends before I was 24, Jasmine, Phillipa, and Renee are my best friends. I had trust issues but that went away when I spent more and more time with them. They genuinely seemed to enjoy my company.

They introduced me to their friends and boyfriends, Jasmine and Anthony started dating a few months ago. Lin and Pippa are high school sweethearts, and he also recently proposed, so that's there. Renee and Alexis are married and have a little boy. Chris is also married but they have a girl and a boy.

And then there are the single friends, me, obviously, Oak, Daveed, Jonathan, Leslie, Thayne, Andrew, although it really seems like Andrew and Groff like each other, Ariana and a few others I don't really talk too.

I hope to one day be in a relationship, where the guy doesn't just fuck with me. I thought I had a chance of that with Daveed but I was dumb, he likes someone else.

I reached the apartment and started to search for my keys, I couldn't find them anywhere, damn, I must of dropped them near the tree. I'm in no mood to walk all the way back so I'm just gonna sit next to door until Daveed comes back.

As I'm sitting here in the corner, knees to my chest, arms wrapped around my legs and my head placed behind my knees, I feel myself drift asleep...

Daveed's pov
I walk home with the conversation Oak and I had in mind, I should ask her out, right? I honestly can't stop thinking about her, it hurts to think about the rejection.

I enter the lift and press the 3rd-floor button, once I reach the floor I start to walk towards my apartment when I see a someone sitting next to the door.

I recognize who it is almost immediately because of her hair. Emmy is just balled up and sleeping on the floor, I chuckle softly, I try not to make much noise as I open the apartment door.

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