(Lippa) The Nanny

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Pippa's pov
I walked into the theatre pretty pumped, which is pretty normal. When I reached my dressing room I saw Daveed and Emmy looking extremely tired.

"Hey, guys... You ok?" they shook their head no, "We found out that our sitter hit on both Me and Daveed over the weekend... We didn't realize how much she helped us... I'm so tired" she was close to tears.

I wordlessly went and sat next to her and pulled her into a big hug. "Where's Aim?" she sighed as she pulled away from the hug. "With Daveed's mom but she can't sit for us all the time. We need a sitter or a Nanny so bad..."

"Did you consider asking Ren for help? You know she somehow always has the answers" I wasn't wrong, Ren always had an answer no matter what you asked her.

"No... Dammit, I'll ask her when she comes... For now? I need a nap" I nod and leave to go and chill in Jazzy's dressing room.

~~~~Time Skip to when Ren is at the theatre and Em is awake~~~~

"Renee! Oh, thank the Lord you're here!" Renee looked at me completely terrified cause this was definitely not normal, I chuckled as Ren slowly walked over to Emmy.

"What's wrong Em... I'm a little scared that's all"

"Sorry... It's just that with the show and with Aimee it's so hard to get sleep or even sit for some time. Please tell me you know a sitter"

Renee laughed "Oh I remember that feeling but I do not miss it" Emmy just gave her a look which didn't make Ren stop.

"Come on just tell me" she pulled me making her sound so desperate for help. "Ok ok, I have a friend, the family he sat for left the country so now he's doing small jobs everywhere. He's free and good".

"Wait free free?!" she chuckled and nodded. "Well, for the most part, you don't need to pay him, he's a stay at home Nanny and allowance is all he needs to have a little life of his own." (This is how my aunt's nanny is paid so I'm not really sure it works for other people)

"That's freakin perfect! Can I please have his number???"

"Well, yea... That's why I told you about it..." she handed the number as I chuckled.

~~~~Time skip to when Lin is hired~~~~

Emmy called us home so we could meet Lin and talk. Renee was excited to see Lin cause she hadn't seen him in a while.

I was just excited to meet Aim cause she was an absolute ball of sunshine. Aimee wasn't a very social 2 year old, she was very picky with the people she hung out with. So when Emmy said that she really liked Lin, it made me curious to see how he was.

I asked Ren to pick me up cause I didn't have a ride, I got in her car and noticed she bought coffee for 4. Daveed was not gonna be there cause he was out with Oak and Rafa, so I could only assume the fourth cup was for Lin.

I think I fell asleep the entire ride cause when I woke up she was parking her car in front of Emmy's building.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?" I shook my head no. "Got new neighbors... Adorable couple. Terribly loud in bed." she was trying to hold in a laugh as hard as she could.

I rolled my eyes at her as we made our way to her apartment. I knocked on the door super excited to see Aimee.

The door flung open revealing a very... Sleepy Emmy. Did she forget we were coming?

"Sorry guys I forgot to set my alar-" she cut herself off with a yawn. Both of us laughed and walked inside, "Where is the little monster?" Renee kept the coffees on the table and looked around a bit.

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