(Lippa) Kisses

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Third persons pov
Lin and Pippa, best friends, they have been ever since they bumped into each other and dropped coffee all over each other.

Lin liked Pippa a lot, but he was always too scared to make a move and potentially destroy their relationship. So he just stayed in his place, he tried hinting it but she always just shrugs it off.

Today is Valentine's Day and Lin is sad, he doesn't have the guts to ask out his crush, but puts up a strong suit to cover it up, just like all the other days.

He knocks at her apartment door, she opened the door extremely happy. She greeted him with a hug, and when she pulled back Lin saw something different from the way she looked at him.

She pulled him inside and said "Ok, I have so much planned for today, since we're both single Pringles I decided that we would watch a movie, bake and then just do a bunch of random stuff I thought of!" she had a glow that he hadn't seen on her before.

He sat on her couch and looked at her as she continued to list the many things she planned. He couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, he loved it when she was like this, he loved the excessive amount of energy in her, it was adorable to him.

They ended up watching a bunch of movies, a marathon if you will. Next up, baking, they were in her kitchen, taking the ingredients out. They kept on bumping into each other cause the kitchen is super small.

But that didn't stop their fun, Lin was mixing the batter when Pippa called him. He looked back and was then covered with flour, his eyes were still closed but when he opened them, he gave her a look that said "oh you for real? Two can play at this game".

He grabbed an egg and smashed it on her head, they both laughed but didn't stop their childish food fight. After completely destroying the kitchen they stopped, they finished making the cookie batter and then finally popped them into the oven to bake.

As they were cleaning up their mess Pippa managed to slip on a cracked egg, she closed her eyes waiting for the impact of the floor but it never came. Instead, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her body.

Lin had managed to catch her in time, she opened her eyes to see her vision filled with the blue fabric of Lin's shirt. She slowly pulled away from Lins embrace, "You ok?" he asked, she just nodded.

She bit her lip and look down but then she got a glimpse of his hand that had a bit of blood on it. She looked at him confused and then asked "How did you cut finger? we only used spoons and whisks." he looked away ashamed.

" I saw a knife and it looked shiny so I touched it and then it kind of pricked me..." he trailed off. She just shook her head a smile never leaving her face, his childlike wonder never ceased to amaze her.

She cleaned his cut and then put a bandaid over it, she then walked over to one of her cabinets to retrieve something while he leaned on the counter staring at his bandaid covered finger.

She walked back and stood close to him and said "I think we should share a kiss" he was surprised but happy that she said that.

He started to lean in his eyes still open in case she didn't want it, and as he did that she lifted a Hershey kiss up to eye level. He backed away, sad, again, cause he thought she liked him and he actually thought it was finally happening.

"I'm going to eat this even though I'm highly allergic to it," he said as he placed his hand on the Hersheys kiss.

She chuckled and then grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, he was surprised at first but then he let his arms snake around her waist as hers went around his neck, dropping the small chocolate on the floor.

A/n Heyyo that was another small chapter. I thought it was cute cause ya know Lippa...
I'm working on a grofflin chapter now (not smut) so stay tuned for that.

Anyway does anyone get the reference??? If you don't it doesn't matter but yea.

Have a g' morning or g' night wherever you are...

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