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Standing by the ocean
Lapped by reality - my Yin and Yang
While the mob at shore
Yells that the balance I feel
Is nonexistent - or that I'm more of
What I shouldn't be.
The shore be all but a mound of sand then
My crutches turn against me too
As long as I don't turn on myself
That would be fine, but
What are wheels but circles
And all wheels do is turn
So did mine - was it really that bad?
That I actually had a mix of both,
But that only one was 'right'?
The waves, at such times, lap ferociously
Licking up my long hair, like flames,
Eating alive, the last of some penned words
Plugged in, groove to a medley of notes
Question, but still embracing self
The loss of the same ego would
Be the first, the more devastating, death
Yet wierdly we are all wierd
Wether the gender we chose to identify by
Or the attributes we own - ones that
Society chooses to align alongside gender
Yet nothing the soul chose
There may be the anima and the animus
There meaning I have an animus
Yet that animus too rests within me
And becomes me - wholly or in part
Foot tapping and spraying more saline
Dried salty tears an exodus of that very
Inner ocean - salty, claiming exodus
By means of honest expression
If even you choose to hide
In accord with what the outside wants
You, who hold the keys
Are letting the cage remain locked.
Barring down self with self
And yet compromising the same self
Wether I'm in the norm or not
I'd take that step further off the coast
Facing my own ocean
Knowing that I stayed true to it
But it isn't easy
What they theow don't disintegrate
They do penetrate and logde in deep down
But to accept you
A one of a kind ocean
Is in itself
A ginormous, yet needed, feat.
It's a circus, but we are both
Trickster and the tricked
No mind stops its games
The scale keeps swinging both ways
All you need to do
Is hold your own reins

PierreXO inspired

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