20200709 (For BTS ARMY DAY)

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Of every colour you chose one
You gave us a name to call ours
Chose to give a layer of meaning
All of yourselves
Beyond what we could imagine
You didn't choose the norm
But what was unspoken
You gave it your all
Despite your first steps
Going unseen
Always had your magic shop open
For anyone at any hour
I watched from a few paces off
Right from the start there was
Something different
I couldn't put a finger on it
Yet the basics kept me curious
At one point I was too wrecked
Unable to move on stuck in a circle
I see you again, but this time
I chose to read what you were saying
If you thought flames were hot
This was hotter and it lit within
I took the steps into the magic shop
There were many people in there
Some I met instantly
Others as I walked about
There were new entries too
But also the ones trying to destroy
Yet you went on
Nothing forcing anyone in
But yet people came in
You aren't seven anymore
None of us are alone
You spoke to our hearts
We heard it
Some instantly walking in
Others taking their time
It wasn't the physical senses
You hurt the mind-heart axis
The flame lit everything up purple
The doors opened
You were bulletproof, but humble
You took us in
Together we are bulletproof
You for us and us for you
You are us and we are you
You brought us together
You gave us hope, a home,
Everything - irreplaceably.
You haven't judged or forced
A lot of us can't afford
Yet every small drop counts
You made it clear
Each star is important
We are one youniverse
We've been touched by purple
Thanks to you.
We all were mere sparks
Nearly extinguished, flickering dim
You reignite, you unite
One purple flame
Of any moment I could have met you
I'm glad I did.
We're glad we have you.
It's time for one big group hug
You aren't seven and I am not alone
7 years now, but even after 7777777,
Wherever we are we will feel it
Our hearts beat in purple
It might have started instantly
Or taken a while, but
It will never stop.


A lot of you know me through this bond. 보라해 아미 여러분!!!
The only word I can say is "Thank You", but no matter how many times I say it it won't be enough.
A few inspirations from this year's first few moments on ARMY DAY (today) were Gracie Ranan's ARMY song and a text KimYeona07 had sent ><

This got so much attention like... omg... the power of the BTS ARMY.

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