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Not every leaf is evergreen
Within a meadow some are withered
Likewise there's always them
Like rocks facing the elements
Them who didn't see it coming
Never saw their wall of trust
Turning into dust
Yet as a whole everything seems fine

There's always a mask on
Some against disease
Most against judgement
Weather beaten and time tested under that fake smile

Being the quiet kind is a perk
Not much to be judged on
But even they have to lend
Their heart and trust at times

The first give-way gives anxiety
The venting is liberating
Yet there's a constant fear
Of being battered and bruised again

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't
Open, but do it right
Walk them through, but slowly
Listen, 'coz you should be there for them too

In the end, not everyone matters
Each person at a different distance
But have a little hope
And hold out your hand.

Someone I know helped me when my hope kept waning last night... I wrote some hints for this in my first class... after the second, what I'd almost given up hope on happened and finally, as precaution against spreading disease, we've been asked to go home and classes are called off... Take care of yourselves and also the more vulnerable! And as always, have a little hope
Good times are ahead! Stay safe, everyone!

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