20200407 - Precious (adj:/)

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You're drawn instantly
To pompous grandeur
Materials you think
Forever endure

Yet that is not true sanctuary
What you take for granted
Check any book in a library
That's what's truly precious
Not diamonds
Nor platinum, silver or gold
It's people and relationships
It's all time's ever told
More like shown
The value of a smile, a hug
Or that inside joke only you own
This is the truly irreplaceable
Something you can't fathom
Your inability will stab your heart
When the  hourglass sees that
Last grain fall - it's done it's part
The relationship timing out
Incessant tears and apologies
Of things done or those not
Only then will you know "Precious" stones are beautiful
Expensive nonetheless
Yet going after that instead
Leaving the inexpensive behind

Time doesn't heal, it proves
Time - and pressure -
Make diamonds of coal
And no one touches sooty coal

Time takes the inexpensive away
Like vestigials through evolution
Remnant bits, like glass shards, sink in further - a bleed incessant.

This was a bit that I wrote at first...
Kinda considered a first draft...
Mind drawn materialistic
To riches and valuables
To Shimmer and glamour
The pompous grandeur
How you they can adorn
How much they can afford
Yet what you price less
Are the trusly priceless
Taken for granted
But guaranteed irreplaceable
People and relationships
The genuine smiles
The cheeky inside jokes
No matter what you wear
Gold, silver, platinum, diamond
The very personal touch
It matters

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