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Up or down
Never just one
Ever curious about what's up
Petrified of falling down

An unending stairwell of life
A twisted spiral
Blackhole at one end
A faint shimmer at the other

Everyone fights for that light
Ignoring the others
Gripped by the gravity of the dark
Struggling to take one step up

It's torture, but  probably worth it
The ones at the top
Spoilt brats so naiive
Never shed blood, sweat or tears

The others, battered and bruised
Fighting breathless
Just the next step a struggle
With no one bothered
Yet they take that step
The others bounce up to the top
Have no taste of victory
Think it's normal

The battle won
Standing up top
True joy out of true determination
They taste the real sweet victory
There will always be battles
Your stairway is endless
But no matter what door opens
You have conquered your way

Can't be stopped
Building yourself all the way up
Once broken, but now healing.

If you're broken and you think you can't be put together, get up and drag that pile of trash yourself because things fix themselves. It takes time and it takes love. There will be points of time where someone will give you at least a little love. It's your elixir. Use it. Take your time, you'll never stop climbing, you're just giving your all at each step and it will be worth it in the end. Let the people who don't stop to give you a little support go, not everyone is Anpanman. Not everyone will give you a piece of themselves. Hold the ones who do real close, they're worth anything and everything.

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