20201027 #TO_BTS

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First rays of dawn and the last at dusk
That lone star shining its brightest
First spell of rain cooling summer
Scent of books, fresh earth and flora
Something small, easily overlooked
Another larger than life - love
Your open heart - Our Magic Shop
To crawl into - a cornerstone
When in my own, cracked heart
The outside floods in
Like the sun right overhead
Dissipating all darkness
Leaving no shadow at my feet
You might see a tear roll down
It's not the flood's escape
It's just the water - salty as the sea
The desert turned to an ocean
Maybe the book is ending, but
There's always another
Like dew rolling off blades of grass
To mist into more next dawn
None to repeat the past
But everything for smiles
Right now - a present for the present
BE happy, you say
BE happy, I'll BE
We BElieve and we will BE
If you're happy, I know I am too
Why is it so mutual?
BEcause you showed me through
Through the emotion as a whole
Wether we are the closest ever
Or just plainly at the farthest
You've BEen my cornerstone
And will continue to BE till the end
Since the first moment I learnt
Stopping living stagnant
And letting the corners twitch
Lips curving into a smile
Warming up from deep within
Step one was savouring the intro
Now, it's a trip, to the end
The whole flight
The only necessity being happiness

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